Changes since last release:
[1.0.0] 2018-02-16
- Added fixes for running with Python 3.5
- Added browser feature so a human can more easily navigate the service
- Added Composition Service
- Fixed support for running under Linux
- Added code generators for dynamic files
- Fixed inconsistencies for handling URIs with trailing / characters
- Support for setting of Link object paths
- Made Manager and ComputerSystem dynamic
- Implemented wildcards replacement for subordinate resources
- Fixes for Cloud Foundry execution
[0.9.3] 2017-05-21
- Change references from flask.ext.restful to flask_restful, since package is obsolete
- Add example files, eg_resource_api.py and eg_resource.py, showing how dynamic objects are coded.
[0.9.2] 2017-03-17
- Fixes to run with Python 3.5
[0.9.0] 2016-09-22
- Initial Release