Extract the GRDC agroecological zone, major soil order and weather data from your GPS sampling points.
Datasets for the GRDC agroecological zones and a modified Digital Atlas of Australian Soils are included in this package for ease of use.
You may also use your own geospatial vector format file to extract similar information using the generic function, extract_area()
if (!require("remotes")) {
remotes::install_github("adamhsparks/extractOz", build_vignettes = TRUE)
locs <- data.frame(
site = c("Merredin", "Corrigin", "Tamworth"),
x = c(118.28, 117.87, 150.84),
y = c(-31.48, -32.33, -31.07)
See ?extract_ae_zone()
for more help on how to use this function.
z <- extract_ae_zone(x = locs, coords = c("x", "y"))
See ?extract_soil_order()
for more help on how to use this function.
s <- extract_soil_order(x = locs, coords = c("x", "y"))
Using the previously created data frame, fetch weather data from SILO for 2020.
This is just an example, replace MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
with your email address below.
See ?cropgrowdays::get_multi_silodata()
from for more help on how to use this function.
three_sites <-
latitude = locs$y,
longitude = locs$x,
Sitename = locs$site,
START = "20200101",
FINISH = "20201231",
Now using dplyr::left_join()
, create a single data.frame()
of the Site, GPS coordinates, agroecological zone and weather data.
left_join(z, three_sites, by = c("site" = "Sitename")) %>%
Please note that the extractOz project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.