ic-05 - Intro to JavaScript
Link to GitHub Pages: https://ds4200-s23-class.github.io/ic-05-john-anushka-arielle-sanjo/
The purpose of this assignment is to practice creating an interactive webpage with JavaScript.
Clone this repo and work locally. Be sure to push the final version of your code (and any significant updates along the way) before submitting.
Resources to support this assignment are provided below in the Resources section.
Create a GitHub Page for your repo and add the link to it above where you see
[insert your clickable hyperlink here]
. -
Open the index.html file included in your repo. Please do the following:
- Title your webpage "ic-05".
- Add a heading that says "Intro to JavaScript".
- Add a button to your page.
- Add a div with the text: "Number of times button clicked: 0"
Next, add an external JavaScript file to your HTML. Use JavaScript to update the text "Number of times button clicked: 0" every time the button on your webpage is clicked. (The text should update to show the correct count of clicks.)
Add a header to the bottom of your page. The header should say "Acknowledgements". Under this header, list of the resources you used to complete this assignment.
HTML Page on w3schools. (On the left-hand side of the page there is a menu bar with links to various topics.)
CSS Page on w3schools. (On the left-hand side of the page there is a menu bar with links to various topics.)
- Be sure to push all changes to your repo and follow all instructions above.
- Submit your assignment on Gradescope