Hello and welcome to Developer Student Club (DSC) First Virtual Workshop. Today, let's explore on the concept of API's (Application Programming Interface).
Slides for this workshop is located here.
The Starter-Code file contains the code that we will be following during the workshop.
The WeatherAPI file contains the finish product, so you can look back and check to see if you made any mistakes.
Please before we start coding, please create a free account at OpenWeatherApp. Directions will be located here.
Also, have a text editor downloaded on your computer before cloning this repository. You can use whichever text editor of your choosing (Atom, Sublime, Notepad++). For this demonstration, I will be using Visual Studio Code.
git clone https://github.com/DSC-CSUF/api-workshop.git
For students using Tuffix/Mac/Linux, use the following commands that updates your browser while you code
sudo npm install -g browser-sync
browser-sync start --server --browser "Google Chrome" --files "stylesheets/*.css, *.html"
browser-sync start --server --files "stylesheets/*.css, *.html"
For students using Windows, after you download this repository on your computer, you should be able to view your project on chrome by clicking index (which is your index.html):
This makes it easier as you can refresh your browser's page anytime you save or change anything while you are coding.
Thank you for checking out our workshop. If you would like, connect with us and join the Developer Student Club through:
Visit our website.
This workshop is created by Developer Student Club Technical Leads - Sagar Joshi and Sam Sandoval.