Welcome to my GitHub repository where I document my journey through CMU 15-112. This course covers the core concepts of programming and computer science, and I have included my knowledge, code, and homework assignments.
About the Course CMU 15-112 is designed to teach fundamental programming and problem-solving skills. The course covers a variety of topics, including:
- Write clear, robust, and efficient code in Python using:
- sequential, conditional, and loop statements
- strings, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries
- objects and classes
- recursive approaches
- graphics and interaction
- Develop programs to effectively solve medium-sized tasks by:
- employing modular, top-down design in program construction
- demonstrating an effective programming style based on established standards, practices, and guidelines
- proactively creating and writing test cases to test and debug code
- applying computational problem-solving skills to new problems, especially in the student's home academic discipline
- explaining and analyzing the efficiency of algorithms, particularly by predicting the Big-O running time of small pieces of code
- Design and write a substantial (500-1500 line) program in Python with minimal guidance
Link to the Course: https://www.kosbie.net/cmu/spring-22/15-112/index.html