This is a template for creating a Unity Package for use with the Unity Package Manager.
You can make a copy of this template by clicking the green "Use this template" button to generate a new repository for yourself. Otherwise, follow the installation instructions below to install this template through Unity's Package Manager and use it as a base for your own package.
To install this template package using Unity's Package Manager follow these steps:
Access the Package Manager window from the Window menu. More Info
Click the add (+) button in the status bar then select Add package from git URL button. More Info
Enter the Git URL in the text box and click Add. More Info
Git URL:
Note: If Unity was able to install the package successfully, the package now appears in the package list with the git tag. If Unity was not able to install the package, the Unity Console displays an error message. More Info
Below is an example of the type of info you might include in your package's README file:
Describe what MyPackage does.
Explain how to install MyPackage.
Detail how to use MyPackage.
This version of MyPackage is compatible with the following versions of the Unity:
- 2019.1 and later (recommended)