Simple mongodb wrapper. 100% test coverage. Works with Promises, callbacks and async / await.
npm install dalisra-mongo-wrapper -S
// Callback based:
const mongo = require("dalisra-mongo-wrapper")
// keep trying to connect untill success
mongo.connect(() => {
// You are now connected to mongodb on localhost:27017 with "test" database as default
// Promise based:
mongo.connect().then(client => {
// You are now connected to mongodb...
// In async function:
let client = await mongo.connect()
// You are now connected to mongodb..
const mongo = require("dalisra-mongo-wrapper")
// keep trying to connect untill success
connectionString: "mongodb://localhost:27017", // as of 3.6 you dont need to provide database in connection string
database: "foo"
}, (err, client) => {
// You are now connected to mongodb on localhost:27017 with "foo" database as default
Default options that you can override are:
const options = {
connectionString: "mongodb://localhost:27017/test", //Generated automatically if not specified.
protocol: "mongodb", // if connectionString is provided this options is ignored
host: "localhost", // if connectionString is provided this options is ignored
port: 27017, // if connectionString is provided this options is ignored
database: "test", // default database to return, since 3.6 driver you can change database
maxConnectAttempts: 0, //how many times to try before giving up, 0 = never giveup.
connectRetryDelay: 5000, // how many miliseconds to wait after each failed attempt to connect
reconnect: true, // what to do if connection to database closes. (on "disconnect" event)
debug: console.log,
error: console.error
mongoClientOptions : {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
Once you override wanted options you can connect to database as follows:
mongo.connectoToMongo(options).then(() => {
// You are now successfully connected to database
}).catch(err => {
//Reached maxConnectionAttempts, giving up..
mongo.client() // <- MongoClient, if null it means not connected.
mongo.db() // <- Mongo database pointer to default database
mongo.db("foo") // <- Change database and get database pointer
mongo.collection("bar") // <- Get collection pointer.
mongo.mongodb // <- Returns original MongoDb driver
mongo.ObjectID // <- Shortcut for ObjectID
mongo.getConnectionString() // <- Get connection string that has been used
mongo.close() // <- Close db connection
mongo.saveData(collection, data, callback) // <- Shortcut to save (insert or update) data to database (uses bulkWrite for arrays of data)
mongo.clearData(collection, callback) // <- Clears all data in a collection
const mongo = require("dalisra-mongo-wrapper")
// keep trying to connect to mongodb on localhost with default parameters untill success
mongo.connect(async (err, client) => {
if(err) throw err; // <- It is possible to config "give up conditions".
// You are now connected to database and can start doing queries.
await mongo.clearData("test") //deletes all data in collection "test".
await mongo.saveData("test", {number: 123, name:"Product 123"})
let data = await mongo.collection("test").find({}).toArray()
console.log(data) // { _id: ObjectId(...), number: 123, name: "Product 123"}
await mongo.close()
- 4.0.0 Updated nodejs driver for mongodb to 4.0.0, supports mongodb 5.0
- 3.2.4 Bug fixing close() method that failed when calling without connection. Added more tests.
- 3.2.3 bl version update (merged from security bot): Bump bl from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1
- 3.2.2 Making tests green again. Fixing typo. Making sure we have 100% coverage.
- 3.2.1 Fixed bug with logger for libraries such as winston.
- 3.2.0 100% test coverage.
- 3.1.2 Better code coverage. Small bugfixes. Removed chai and sinon dev dependencies.
- 3.1.1 Removed insertData -> use saveData. Removed updateData -> use saveData. Cleaned up.
- 3.1.0 Cleaned up code. Updated libraries. Implemented promises.
- 3.0.0 Updated packages to latest. Removed dependency to async library.
- 2.2.0 Updated packages to latest. Fixed autoreconnect, changed some debug logging to warn / info.