Lightweight base or "skeleton" application for Ruby on Rails 5+ projects. Built to minimize the time spent writing boilerplate code and performing repetitive setup tasks.
- Existing API docs (includes API auth with JWT token)
- Knock for user's auth.
- Rack-Cors support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
- Fast JSON API for objects serialization.
- Restful::Jsonapi for objects deserialization.
- Interactors encapsulates application's business logic
- Puma as Rails web server
- Foreman to manage Procfile-based application
- Rubocop and Rubocop-Rspec for reporting violations of the Ruby style guide
- Pry Rails for interactively exploring objects
- Spring for fast Rails actions via pre-loading
- Factory Girl for test data
- RSpec for unit testing
- setup required gems and migrate db if neededbin/ci
- should be used in the CI or locally. Includes rubocop & specs running.bin/server
- to run server locally
Out of the box Rails Api Base ready to be deployed to
- Heroku Postgres add-on will be used for database.
heroku create --addons=heroku-postgresql --remote staging rails-api-base-example
heroku config:add HOST=""
git push staging master
heroku run rake db:schema:load
heroku open
Rails Api Base is maintained by Damir Nurgaliev.