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42 Wolfsburg Projects Repository

Welcome to the 42 Wolfsburg Projects Repository! This repository contains solutions and resources for all the projects at 42 Wolfsburg, a coding school that follows a peer-learning methodology and project-based curriculum. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced coder, this repo will help you navigate the various projects efficiently.

🚀 About 42 Wolfsburg

42 Wolfsburg is part of the global 42 network, offering an innovative, tuition-free, and peer-based learning experience. The curriculum is designed to teach students problem-solving, critical thinking, and software development skills through a series of progressively challenging projects.

📜 Repository Structure

This repository is organized based on the different levels of the curriculum, from the Piscine to the Core Program and beyond. Each project folder contains:

  • 📂 Source code
  • 📄 Project documentation
  • ✅ Evaluation criteria
  • 🛠️ Useful resources

42-Cur-projects/ │ ├── piscine/ ├── core/ │ ├── libft/ │ ├── get_next_line/ │ ├── ft_printf/ │ ├── push_swap/ | ├── pipex/ ├── advanced/ │ ├── minishell/ │ ├── philosophers/ │ ├── cub3d/ | ├── └── bonus/ ├── ft_containers/ ├── inception/

🏆 Projects Overview

  • 🏊 Piscine (C Bootcamp)

  • The Piscine is a 4-week bootcamp where students learn the fundamentals of programming in C.

  • C00 - C07: Basics of C (loops, functions, arrays, pointers, structs)

  • BSQ: Largest square algorithm

  • Rushes: Beginner UI-like design with ASCII characters

🔥 Core Curriculum

  • After passing the Piscine, students enter the core program with progressively challenging projects.

  • libft: Custom C library implementation

  • get_next_line: Read from a file descriptor line by line

  • ft_printf: Re-implementing printf

  • push_swap: Sorting algorithm with limited operations

  • so_long: 2D game using the MLX graphics library

  • fract-ol: Fractal rendering in C

  • minitalk: Inter-process communication using signals

  • born2beroot: Linux system administration and virtualization setup using VirtualBox and UFW

  • pipex: Unix pipeline recreation using system calls for process handling

  • Netpractice: Network and subnetting problem-solving exercises

🏗️ Advanced & System Programming

  • minishell: Building a minimal Unix shell

  • philosophers: Concurrency, multithreading, and synchronization

  • cub3d: 3D raycasting engine like Wolfenstein 3D

  • ft_containers: Reimplementing C++ standard containers

🎓 Bonus & Special Projects

  • inception: Docker & DevOps introduction

  • webserv: HTTP server in C++

  • ft_irc: Internet Relay Chat server implementation

🛠️ Installation & Setup

To work on a project, clone the repository and navigate to the desired project folder:

Clone the repo

git clone

Navigate into a project

cd libft

Compile and run (example for libft)


🧑‍💻 Contribution Guidelines

  • Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository

  • Create a feature branch (feature/your-feature)

  • Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature')

  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)

  • Create a Pull Request

📚 Resources

42 Wolfsburg Curriculum

42 Official GitHub

42 Network

📄 License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

🤝 Contact

For questions or discussions, feel free to open an issue or reach out via email: [email protected]

Happy coding! 🚀


Exploration at 42 Wolfsburg Campus






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