An introductory project on:
- Sorting algorithms
- Time complexity and Big O notation
- Stability
- Ubuntu 14.04
- gcc 4.8.4
sort.h - header file containing the prototypes of almost all functions and the definition of type listint_t
print_array.c - function that prints an array.
print_list.c - function that prints a list.
deck.h - header file containing the prototype for sort_deck
and the definition of types kind_t
, card_t
, and deck_node_t
print_deck.c - function that prints a deck of cards.
0-bubble_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm.
0-O - time complexities for the bubble sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
1-insertion_sort_list.c - function that sorts a doubly linked list of integers in ascending order using the insertion sort algorithm.
1-O - time complexities for the insertion sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
2-selection_sort. - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the selection sort algorithm.
2-O - time complexities for the selection sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
3-quick_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the quick sort algorithm with the Lomuto partition scheme.
3-O - time complexities for the quick sort algorithm with the Lomuto partition scheme in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
4-O - time complexity of this function:
void f(int n)
printf("n = %d\n", n);
5-O - time complexity of this function
void f(int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("[%d]\n", i);
6-O - time complexity of this function
void f(int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i += 98)
printf("[%d]\n", i);
7-O - time complexity of this function
void f(unsigned int n)
int i;
for (i = 1; i < n; i = i * 2)
printf("[%d]\n", i);
8-O - time complexity of this function
var factorial = function(n) {
if(n == 0) {
return 1
} else {
return n * factorial(n - 1);
9-O - time complexity of this algorithm
foreach($numbers as $number)
echo $number;
10-O - time complexity of this function
void f(unsigned int n)
int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 1; j < n; j = j * 2)
printf("[%d] [%d]\n", i, j);
11-O - time complexity of this function
void f(int n)
int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
for (j = 1; j < n; j = j * 2)
printf("[%d] [%d]\n", i, j);
for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 2)
printf("[%d] [%d]\n", i, j);
12-O - time complexity of this function
int Fibonacci(int number)
if (number <= 1) return number;
return Fibonacci(number - 2) + Fibonacci(number - 1);
13-O - time complexity of this function
def func(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
x = i * i
y = j * j
z = i * j
for k in range(n):
w = a*k + 45
v = b*b
d = 33
14-O - time complexity of this function
void f(int n)
int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
printf("[%d] [%d]\n", i, j);
15-O - time complexities of the following operations on an unsorted array:
- Accessing the nth element
- Inserting at index n
- Removing at index n
- Searching for an element in an array of size n
- Setting value at index n
16-O - time complexities of the following operations on a singly linked list:
- Accessing the nth element
- Inserting after the nth element (Considering you have a pointer to the node to insert)
- Removing the nth element (Considering you have a pointer to the node to remove)
- Searching for an element in a linked list of size n
- Setting the value of the nth element (Considering you have a pointer to the node to set the value of)
17-O - time complexities of the following operations on a doubly linked list:
- Accessing the nth element
- Inserting after the nth element (Considering you have a pointer to the node to insert)
- Removing the nth element (Considering you have a pointer to the node to remove)
- Searching for an element in a linked list of size n
- Setting the value of the nth element (Considering you have a pointer to the node to set the value of)
18-O - time complexities of the following operations on a python3 list:
- Accessing the nth element
- Inserting at index n
- Removing at index n
- Searching for an element in a Python list of size n
- Setting value at index n
19-O - time complexities of the following operations on a stack:
- push
- pop
- Searching for an element in a stack of size n
20-O - time complexities of the following operations on a queue:
- push
- pop
- Searching for an element in a queue of size n
21-O - time complexities of the following operations on a hash table:
- Searching for an element, best case
- Searching for an element, worst case
- Insertion, best case
- Insertion, worst case
- Deletion, best case
- Deletion, worst case
100-shell_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the shell sort algorithm.
101-cocktail_sort_list.c - function that sorts a doubly linked list of integers in ascending order using the cocktail shaker sort algorithm.
101-O - time complexities for the cocktail shaker sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
102-counting_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the counting sort algorithm.
102-O - time complexities for the counting sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
103-merge_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the top-down merge sort algorithm
103-O - time complexities for the top-down merge sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
104-heap_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the sift-down heap sort algorithm
104-O - time complexities for the sift-down heap sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
105-radix_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the LSD radix sort algorithm
105-O - time complexities for the LSD radix sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
106-bitonic_sort.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the bitonic sort algorithm
106-O - time complexities for the bitonic sort algorithm in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
107-quick_sort_hoare.c - function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the quick sort algorithm with the Hoare partition scheme.
107-O - time complexities for the quick sort algorithm with the Hoare partition scheme in the best, average, and worst case scenarios.
1000-sort_deck.c - function that sorts a deck of cards.