Bulk download emotes from Twitch/BTTV/FFZ/7TV
License: GPL-3.0
EmoteDownloader [options]
-p, --platform <p> Platform to download from. Valid values: twitch, bttv, ffz, 7tv
--client_id <client_id> Client ID, not required if token is provided or platform is not twitch and
channel_ids is provided
--client_secret <client_secret> Client Secret, not required if token is provided or platform is not twitch and
channel_ids is provided
-t, --token <t> Token, not required if client ID and secret are provided or platform is not
twitch and channel_ids is provided
--channel_ids <channel_ids> Channel IDs, separated by commas. Not required if channel names are provided but
--channel_names <channel_names> Channel Names, separated by commas. Not required if channel IDs are provided
-o, --output_dir <o> Output directory, will be created if it doesn't exist and defaults ./emotes/ if not provided
-v, --version Print version
--verbose Enables verbose output, intended for debugging purposes
--help Prints this
EmoteDownloader.exe -p twitch --channel_names SmallAnt --client_id YOUR_CLIENT_ID --client_secret YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
EmoteDownloader.exe -p bttv --channel_ids 117349875
Go to https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps and create a new Application
Make sure to save the Client_Secret somewhere since you cannot view it again without resetting it