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A-Diphone-Based-Maltese-Speech-Synthesis-System PublicThis project was submitted as my Final Year Project for the University of Malta Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Honours) (Artificial Intelligence) Degree. It is an implementation of …
Python 1
Multilingual-Emoji-Prediction PublicThis project was submitted for the Assignment component of the UoM LIN3012 - Data-Driven Natural Language Processing unit. A BiDirectional LSTM was used to solve the SemEval 2018 task of Emoji Pred…
Fast-Frontal-Face-and-Eye-Detection-using-Viola-Jones-Object-Detection PublicThis project was submitted for the Assignment component of the UoM ICS3206 - Machine Learning, Expert Systems and Fuzzy Logic unit. A haarcascade was trained in order to detect faces and eyes withi…
Python 1
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