An easy-to-use C# library for implementing a genetic algorithm. What you need to do is create a setting class that overrides GeneticAlgorithmSettings's methods.
public class MySettings : GeneticAlgorithmSettings<T>
public override float MutationRate { get => 0.001f; set => MutationRate = value; }
public override uint PopulationSize { get => 50; protected set => PopulationSize = value; }
public override uint NumberOfParentsForCrossover { get => 2; protected set => NumberOfParentsForCrossover = value; }
public override T Crossover(params T[] t) { ... }
public override float Fitness(T t) { ... }
public override T Mutate(T t) { ... }
public override T RandomElement() { ... }
T can be any object you want.
Than you can use the settings like this to run the genetic algorithm.
GeneticAlgorithmSettings<T> settings = new MySettings();
GeneticAlgorithm<T> algo = new GeneticAlgorithm<T>(settings);
Attribute | Description |
float MutationRate | Set the probability of a mutation. This is the only attribute editable outside the class. |
int PopulationSize | Set the initial population size. This attribute is not editable outside the class. |
int NumberOfParentsForCrossover | Set the numbers of random parents that a crossovers needs. This attribute is not editable outside the class. |
Method | Description |
T Crossover(T[] t) | Specify how to perform the crossover. Parameter array t has to be lenght equal to NumberOfParentsForCrossover. |
float Fitness(T t) | Specify how to calculate the fitness function for an element t. |
T Mutate(T t) | Specify how to perform the mutation of an element t. |
T RandomElement() | Specify how to generate a random element t. |
Method | Description |
T Fittest() | Returns the fittest element in the current population. |
void Step() | Performs a new generation. |