A project starter for universalmorphic React/Redux apps
- React: THE component-based view library.
- Redux: application state management
- React-Redux Official Bindings: remove the boilerplate code when connecting React to Redux
- React Router: server/client side application router
- Redux Thunk: easier async and sequential actions.
- React Helmet: title and meta tags FTW
- ExpressJS: server-side app framework.
- WebPack: module bundler.
- PostCSS: CSS transformations via JS
- CSS Modules: private name spaces for css classes.
- CSSNext: future CSS today.
- React StoryBook: a component authoring sandbox. also component functional testing .
- Enzyme & Tape: unit testing
- Eslint: JS linting.
- first, run
npm i
to install dependencies - to start the component dev environment, run
npm run components
- to start the application dev environment, run
npm run dev
- to lint the JS, run
npm run lint
- build the production app via
npm run build
- start the app via
npm start
- The React / Redux app is found in src/app
- The production Express.js server is found in src/server
- Component stories (for the component dev environment) is found in .storybook/config.js
NOTE: Make sure you are using npm version 3 or higher.