My name is Danny van der Sluijs, and I am a Technical Lead at Infi and Maintainer of JsonMapper who likes contributing to open source β¨.
To help out with the open source community there are some project I contribute to and/or manage:
If one of those open source projects is critical for your business, please consider supporting my work with your sponsoring π
- sourcemeta/ (1 day ago)
- jsonrainbow/json-schema (5 days ago)
- myclabs/php-enum (6 days ago)
- fedeisas/laravel-mail-css-inliner (6 days ago)
- JsonMapper/SymfonyBundle (1 week ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/exact-online-api-client-dev-tools (1 week ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/PicqerExactPhpClientGenerator (1 week ago)
- JsonMapper/EloquentMiddleware (1 week ago)
- Update ref.markdown on sourcemeta/ (1 day ago)
- fix: add required permissions for welcome action on jsonrainbow/json-schema (5 days ago)
- Correct pugx badges on myclabs/php-enum (6 days ago)
- Add PHPStan on picqer/exact-php-client (6 days ago)
- Improvements based on phpstan feedback downstream on DannyvdSluijs/PicqerExactPhpClientGenerator (1 week ago)
- Upgrade phpunit on picqer/exact-php-client (1 week ago)
- feat: update models based on the documentation d.d. 2025-02-19 on picqer/exact-php-client (1 week ago)
- ci: disallow failure on php 8.4 latest on DannyvdSluijs/exact-online-meta-data-tool (1 week ago)
- ci: migrate from travis ci to github ci on JsonMapper/EloquentMiddleware (1 week ago)
- docs: show white based logo when in dark mode on JsonMapper/EloquentMiddleware (1 week ago)
- docs: show white based logo when in dark mode on JsonMapper/SymfonyBundle (1 week ago)
- docs: show white based logo when in dark mode on JsonMapper/LaravelPackage (1 week ago)
- ci: try with workflow permissions on DannyvdSluijs/OpenSourceArmy (1 week ago)
- ci: try with workflow permissions on DannyvdSluijs/OpenSourceArmy (1 week ago)
- ci: extend workflow matrix to include php 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 on JsonMapper/LaravelPackage (1 week ago)