Releases: DantSu/Telmi-story-teller
Telmi OS v1.7.1
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- A timeline on stories (night mode included). This timeline can be disabled in Telmi OS settings.
- Better performance (Significantly improved interface responsiveness)
- Better image resizing (less pixelation)
- Miyoo Mini compatibility: Change brightness with MENU + L2 or R2
- And many other small changes to improve user experience.
- Stories : Inventory reset compatibility
Telmi OS v1.6.2
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
Telmi OS v1.6.1
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- Fix Night Mode
Telmi OS v1.6.0
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- add * / % assigment operators
- Add playing time variable
Telmi OS v1.5.1
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- Fix audio stop
Telmi OS v1.5.0
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- Add items comparison and assignment
- Refactor random selection
- Audio amplification
Telmi OS v1.4.4
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- Boot splashscreen customization (Thanks to @MathieuIko for this contribution)
- Remove text from UI
- Disable night mode param
- Music Player : Disable repeat modes param
Telmi OS v1.4.3
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- Fix major bug
Telmi OS v1.4.2
Telmi OS - An open source story teller and MP3 player for Miyoo mini and Miyoo mini plus
- Add action story condition