The project is developed for the Advanced Scheduling System exam of University of Udine. It consists in the resolutions of the Team Orientiring Problem (TOP) with different optimization tecniques:
- Greedy Algorithm : solves the problem with greedy tecniques but also explores different partial solutions
- Parametrized Greedy Algorithm : use Simple Greedy as basis and searches the best set of parameters that weight each rating Point component
- Metaheuristic BackTracking : use Simple Greedy as basis and explores the other solutions branches
- Metaheuristic BackTracking Focus : similar to Metaheuristic BackTracking, sets its own parameter as Parametrized Greedy Algorithm
- Local Search Algorithm : use EasyLocal++ libraries and algorithms to improve the previous results provided by the other algorithms
- Web Based Solver : built-in web solver that print the output and solve single instance in the browser using the previous algorithms
- C. Archetti, A. Hertz, and M.G. Speranza. Metaheuristics for the team orienteering problem. Journal of Heuristics, 13, 49-76, 2007.
- Chao I. Algorithms and solutions to multi-level vehicle routing problems. Ph.D. Dissertation, Applied Mathematics Program, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 1993.
- Chao I, Golden B, Wasil E. Theory and Methodology - The Team Orienteering Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 1996a; 88; 464-474.
- H. Tang, E. Miller-Hooks, A tabu search heuristic for the team orienteering problem. Computers and Operations Research (2005), vol. 32, 1379-1407.
The instances of TOP can be reached at KU LEUVEN website.