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Playstation Gamepads For Unreal Engine 5.2 using Raw Input and Enhanced Input.


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       DarknessFX @ | Twitter: @DrkFX

Playstation Gamepad For Unreal Engine 5

Playstation Gamepad For Unreal Engine (5.2 or newer) using Raw Input and Enhanced Input. This project is setup to enable DualShock3/Sixaxis, DualShock4 and DualSense controllers to bind with Unreal Engine Gamepad object, you can use your Playstation controllers for Gameplay, CommonUI, EnhancedInput with the same Gamepad code like other XInput gamepads instead of fork to GenericUSBController.


Originally to make DualShock 4 work with Unreal Engine 4 was just a list of RawInputWindows Plugin settings and was simpler to describe like in this forum post [Tutorial] UE4 using Dualshock4 controller (via USB, PS4 DS4 Gamepad).

Now that Unreal Engine 5.2 is moving the input system to Enhanced Input there are more files and structures to setup and isn't that simple to explain in a forum post, so this project is the easier way to share this information and give a demonstration template working that can be copied to other projects.


RawInput Changes (Only for UnrealEngine build from source code)


If you download your UnrealEngine from Epic Games Store, don't try to make this changes. It won't work.
You need to download Unreal Engine Source Code from GitHub ( ), setup, build the whole engine, then make the changes to UnrealEngine_Source\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\RawInput\Source\RawInput\Private+Public\Windows and rebuild.

Download and update this files from RawInput Plugin:

Compile RawInput plugin with this updates to apply fixes and make full use of Playstation Gamepads as Native Unreal Engine Gamepads.


Unreal Engine from Epic Games -
Playstation DualShock4 Icons by Arks -
Equ1no0x - DualShock4 Gen1 contribution.
Zhibade - DualShock4 Gen1 Input Mapping.


@Unlicensed - Free for everyone and any use.

DarknessFX @ | Twitter: @DrkFX