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ESE-5190 Smart Devices Final Project

Final Repository for ESE-5190 Smart Devices


This repository contains the final project for ESE-5190. It is about a smart curtain opener and includes various components like a clock, environmental sensors, servo motor control, and more, all integrated with an UNO R3 and an ESP32.


1. Clock

  • Timing: 0:00 - 23:59
  • Features:
    • timer1 for precise timing.
    • Integration with ESP32 for network time synchronization (TBD).

2. Environmental Sensor

  • Functionality: Continuously monitors and compares environmental data against set thresholds.
  • Sensors:
    • Temperature & Humidity:
      • Input: D2 (PD2)
    • Photoresistor:
      • Type: ADC
      • Input: A0 (PC0)

3. Servo Motor Control

  • Mode: Timer0 phase-correct mode
  • Output: PD6

4. Fan/Air Conditioner Control

  • Controls DC motor for fan/air conditioner operations.

  • DC motor

    • '+' : PD3
    • '-' : GND

5. Communication with ESP32

  • Details of communication protocols and methods with ESP32.

5.1 UART

  • Mode: 2 stop bits, 8 data bits, no parity bits

  • Atmega Pin:

    • TX - TX
    • RX - RX
    • GND - GND
  • ESP32 Pin:

    • TX - GPIO 7
    • RX - GPIO 8
    • GND - GND

5.2 SPI

  • Master: Atmega 328P

  • Atmega Pin:

    • SCK - 13
    • MISO - 12
    • MOSI - 11
    • CS / SS - 10
  • Slave: ESP32 (use ESP32SPISLAVE library)

  • ESP32 Pin:

    • SCK - GPIO 5
    • MISO - GPIO 21
    • MOSI - GPIO 19
    • CS / SS - GPIO 33

6. ESP32 & Blynk Integration

  • Integration details with Blynk app for remote monitoring and control.

Self-Designed Communication Protocol

After a series of designs and tests, we found out that Atmega328P can only receive 4 Bytes of data at once under interrupt mode. eg, buffer[4]

Beacause of time constrain, we do not have enough time to do more test, as a result, we need to embrace this fact. That means we need to use only 4 byte of data to create a very short and efficient communication protocol.

Protocol Structure

  • Buffer Size: 4 Bytes (buffer[4])
  • Buffer Composition:
    • buffer[0]: Instruction Identifier
    • buffer[1]: Data Byte 1 (if needed)
    • buffer[2]: Data Byte 2 (if needed)
    • buffer[3]: Ending Identifier

Instructions Set (13 Total)

  1. A: Open curtain
  2. B: Close curtain
  3. C: Toggle air-conditioner
  4. D: Not used
  5. E: Set time to open curtain
  6. F: Set time to close curtain
  7. G: Set temperature to open air-conditioner
  8. H: Set temperature to close air-conditioner
  9. I: Set current time
  10. J: Smart decision switch for curtain
  11. K: Smart decision switch for air-conditioner
  12. X: Current time
  13. Y: Current temperature and humidity
  14. Z: Not Used

Instruction Categories

  • On/Off Signal Instructions (A, B, C, J, K): Do not require additional data.
  • Temperature and Humidity Instructions (G, H, Y):
    • buffer[2]: Humidity data (int to char + 32 for visibility)
    • buffer[3]: Temperature data (int to char + 32 for visibility)
  • Time Transmit Instructions (E, F, I, X):
    • buffer[2]: Hour data (int to char + 32 for visibility)
    • buffer[3]: Minute data (int to char + 32 for visibility)

Data Representation

  • Data in int format is converted to char + 32. This is for debugging purposes, as ASCII codes become visible starting from 32.


Final repository for ESE-5190






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