A modding library for DatDeveloper
Concurrent Tasks
A system for scheduling tasks to execute concurrently, optionally after a delay
Concurrent Tasks execute on another thread, and thus can lead to race conditions if thread safety is not followed
A system for scheduling tasks to execute after a condition is met
Events run on the server thread, on the server tick event, thus are thread safe
Events are an implementation of IDelayedEvent, for an example of an event look at DelayedTeleportEvent
A framework for loading localisation strings
A command utility for taking a list of objects and converting them into a series of pages that are navigable using in-text buttons.
A permission abstraction system that allows testing permission nodes without worrying about the permission backend
Supports forge and sponge permission APIs
A simple utility for converting a delta time into a friendly relative time message
A set of standardised chat colours for consistently formatting chat messages
A few useful codecs for serialising common values
Currently Implemented: UUID, Enums, ChunkPos
A utility for formatting strings into chat Components using variable replacements and shorthands for formatting directives
A Utility with functions to simplify sending various types of notifications to a player
Supports displaying notifications as a title (in the middle of the player's screen), above the hotbar, and in chat.
A simple ITeleporter implementation for moving the player to a specific location in another dimension
Does not create a portal and does not make a sound on teleporting
General help can be found at https://github.com/Dat-Developer-Mods/datmoddingapi/wiki
Javadocs can be found at https://api.datdeveloper.com/
DatModdingAPI is available as a maven library at https://maven.datdeveloper.com/
To add to your project, add the following repository in build.gradle
maven {
url "https://maven.datdeveloper.com/releases"
Create a version variable in gradle.properties
to your version of minecraft, and VERSION
to the latest available version of Dat Modding API
Then add the following dependency in build.gradle
implementation fg.deobf("com.datdeveloper:datmoddingapi:${datmoddingapi_version}")