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Leo provisions Spark clusters through Google Dataproc and installs Jupyter notebooks and Hail on them. It can also proxy end-user connections to the Jupyter interface in order to provide authorization for particular users.

For more information and an overview, see the wiki.

Swagger API documentation:

Project status

This project is under active development. It is not yet ready for independent production deployment. See the roadmap section of the wiki for details.


Documentation on how to configure Leo is Coming Soon™. Until then, a brief overview: there are two points at which Leonardo is pluggable.

Authorization provider

Leo provides two modes of authorization out of the box:

  1. By whitelist
  2. Through Sam, the Workbench IAM service

Users wanting to roll their own authorization mechanism can do so by subclassing LeoAuthProvider and setting up the Leo configuration file appropriately.

Service account provider

There are (up to) three service accounts used in the process of spinning up a notebook cluster:

  1. The Leo service account itself, used to make the call to Google Dataproc
  2. The service account passed to dataproc clusters create via the --service-account parameter, whose credentials will be used to set up the instance and localized into the GCE metadata server
  3. The service account that will be localized into the user environment and returned when any application asks for application default credentials.

Currently, Leo uses its own SA for #1, and the same per-user project-specific SA for #2 and #3, which it fetches from Sam. Users wanting to roll their own service account provision mechanism by subclassing ServiceAccountProvider and setting up the Leo configuration file appropriately.

Building and running Leonardo

Clone the repo.

$ git clone 
$ cd leonardo

Run Leonardo unit tests

Ensure docker is running. Spin up MySQL locally:

$ ./docker/ start leonardo  

Build Leonardo and run tests.

export SBT_OPTS="-Xmx2G -Xms1G -Dmysql.port=3311"
sbt clean compile test

Once you're done, tear down MySQL.

./docker/ stop leonardo

Building Leonardo docker image

To install git-secrets

brew install git-secrets

To ensure git hooks are run

cp -r hooks/ .git/hooks/
chmod 755 .git/hooks/

To build jar, leonardo docker image, and leonardo-notebooks docker image

./docker/ jar -d build

To build jar, leonardo docker image, and leonardo-notebooks docker image and push to repos broadinstitute/leonardo and broadinstitute/leonardo-notebooks tagged with git hash

./docker/ jar -d push

To build the leonardo-notebooks docker image with a given tag

bash ./jupyter-docker/ build <TAG NAME>

To push the leonardo-notebooks docker image you built to repo broadinstitute/leonardo-notebooks

bash ./jupyter-docker/ push <TAG NAME>