Head over to ip.davebitter.com for a demo.
I build this IP Address Tracker as a demo project to show how you can build an interactive web application using Remix. Head over to About>Remix for more information on the framework itself.
I use this web application as part of a talk on the basics of Remix. Head over to my website for an overview of the talks I give and/or shoot me a message at [email protected] if you are interested in me giving this talk at your event!
This application is a more extensive version of this frontend challenge by frontendmentor.io. The goal is to create a nicely designed web application that will make some calls to an API to retrieve information for a passed IP address and display an interactive map with the retrieved location.
IP Address Tracker uses several APIs to retrieve data.
- ipify API to retrieve the current user's IP as a good default
- GeoIP API to retrieve information on submitted IP
- leaflet-geosearch to retrieve information on location
yarn dev
ornpm run dev
- starts the development environment with auto reloading and all that good stuff. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. -
yarn dev:netlify
ornpm run dev:netlify
- starts the development environment as it would be ran on Netlify. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Besides these development scripts, there are many more scripts set up:
- Cleans build folderdeploy:netlify
- Deploys to Netlifypostinstall
- Sets up Nodestart
- Starts Remix server
IP Address Tracker uses Remix to
- provide SSR React.js. Pages are automatically optimised to deliver the best experience.
- handle routing
- generate builds
- and more
IP Address Tracker used TypeScript for static checking and documentation. You can view the Typescript config in ./tsconfig.json.
IP Address Tracker used Tailwind to make it easy to implement the design for this challenge.
IP Address Tracker uses Netlify (