My name is David Badura, I'm a freelance software engineer from germany.
- patchlevel/event-sourcing-symfony - (1 week ago)
- patchlevel/event-sourcing - An event sourcing library, complete with all the essential features, powered by the reliable Doctrine ecosystem and focused on developer experience. (1 week ago)
- patchlevel/event-sourcing-admin-bundle - This bundle provides a simple admin interface for the patchlevel/event-sourcing-bundle. (1 week ago)
- patchlevel/hydrator - With this library you can hydrate objects from array into objects and back again. (1 week ago)
- patchlevel/event-sourcing-bundle - An event sourcing bundle, complete with all the essential features, powered by the reliable Doctrine ecosystem and focused on developer experience. (1 week ago)
- symfony/symfony (v7.2.4, 5 days ago) - The Symfony PHP framework
- patchlevel/event-sourcing (3.10.1, 1 week ago) - An event sourcing library, complete with all the essential features, powered by the reliable Doctrine ecosystem and focused on developer experience.
- patchlevel/hydrator (1.7.1, 1 week ago) - With this library you can hydrate objects from array into objects and back again.
- patchlevel/event-sourcing-bundle (3.10.0, 1 week ago) - An event sourcing bundle, complete with all the essential features, powered by the reliable Doctrine ecosystem and focused on developer experience.
- patchlevel/event-sourcing-psalm-plugin (3.1.0, 3 weeks ago) - psalm plugin for patchlevel/event-sourcing
- Twitter: @davidbadura
- Email: [email protected]