Release v0.0.009: Internationalisation Support
We're excited to announce that Erugo now supports multiple languages! This release adds comprehensive internationalization (i18n) support, making the platform accessible to users around the world.
New Features
Multi-language Support
Erugo is now available in six languages:
- English
- French (Thanks to @zarevskaya & @thibdevan)
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Dutch
Full Translation Coverage
- All user interface elements are now translatable
- Error messages and notifications support multiple languages
Contributing Translations
Erugo is fully translatable. If you would like to contribute a translation for additional languages:
- Join our Discord server
- Drop a message in the general channel
- We'll help you get started with the translation process
Technical Changes
- Implemented i18n framework for language management
- Added locale switching capabilities
- Configured fallback languages for incomplete translations
Coming Soon
We plan to add more languages in future releases based on community contributions and user demand.