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💡 RateX - A Decentralized DEX Aggregator


🌟 Introduction

RateX is a decentralized DEX aggregator designed to integrate seamlessly into existing applications, enabling users to leverage the best trade routes across multiple decentralized exchanges without taking positive slippage or fees. This project focuses on offering a competitive alternative to current DEX aggregators, which are mostly closed source and may take positive slippage. RateX runs directly on the user's machine or in their browser, ensuring transparency and control over the routing process.

If you want to learn more about the RateX architecture and how it all works behind the scenes, please read the Architecture documentation.

Why are we making this?

Current DEX aggregators do not charge any fees but do take the positive slippage, if there is one. Slippage is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is executed. Additionally, their routing algorithms are typically closed source, so if they suddenly started charging fees, they would effectively have no immediate competition.

Our idea was to create the 'competition'. We would:

  1. Not take the positive slippage and fees.
  2. Make the routing algorithm open source.
  3. Create the code (SDK) to be executed on the user's machine (in browser), instead of on a server.

✨ Features

  • 🔍 Optimal Route Discovery across multiple DEXes
  • 💰 No Fees or Positive Slippage
  • 🖥️ Client-side Execution: Ensures transparency and security.
  • 🔓 Open-Source: Promotes community-driven development.
  • Support for Arbitrum and Ethereum networks

🌐 RateX Contracts

Contract Name Ethereum ⚫ Arbitrum 🔵
RateX 0xAC64cF5B37124e62Ad716e664faF711Bd0882056 0x1D3ac829f8b0056972491095342730710e956629
Uniswap Helper 0xBFA0CAC4e1FC4958Ef24732F5b1e063637D20704 0xBf70F85011047C4cF31696780BdB6db752527d7c
Sushiswap Helper 0xAc62F8Ff99B1fEa563Cf8D47Ce1B9fE76F3AC5b8 0x141fc598Ed85a23e78f2b58ABe95AC013d196249
Balancer Helper 0xf77f3E6ed19DAFe90f90c3C1609207902C7414f9 0xd1dFeDe71160a0a1e869e2D3F428A47531726BfE
Uniswap V2 Helper 0x043EEB82faC75641146955Fea5509C824b2AD22A 0x24725a85903e83A4829F51287B8E0BD321121DbC
Camelot Helper N/A 0x91DE0353a4f93BD460dE3a373Feb50c53571c078

Note: Camelot Helper is not available on Ethereum mainnet.

Getting Started

This repository includes both a frontend and contracts that can be used with the existing RateX contracts to immediately start trading or, alternatively, provides users the option to deploy their own custom contracts to tailor the experience to their specific needs.

🛠️ Requirements

Ensure you have Node.js installed

📦 Installation

In the project root directory, run the postinstall script to set up both the UI and contracts:

npm run postinstall

Copy code

Running Frontend

Before starting the frontend, ensure you fill out the .env file based on the provided .env.example to configure the environment variables necessary for the application:

# .env file setup

Once the .env file is configured, navigate to the UI directory and start the application:

cd UI
npm run start

This will launch the frontend, where you can interact with the default RateX contracts or deploy and interact with your custom contracts if desired. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the following interface:


Setting Up Smart Contracts (Optional)

1. Compile and Test Contracts

Navigate to the RateX/contracts directory:

cd contracts

Compile the smart contracts and run tests to ensure everything is functioning correctly:

npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test

2. Deploy Contracts

To deploy the contracts to a specific network, first ensure you have filled out the .env file based on the provided .env.example for contracts. Adjust environment variables accordingly:

# .env file setup for contracts

Then, run the deployment script:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy --network networkName

Local Development Environment

For local testing and development, follow these steps:

Start a local Hardhat node:
npx hardhat node
Deploy smart contracts to the local network:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
Fund the first account on the Hardhat node to simulate transactions:
npx hardhat run scripts/utils/fundHardhat.js --network localhost

After setting up the local environment, navigate back to the RateX UI folder and start the application:

npm start

Run on a Tenderly Fork

To use Tenderly for a simulated blockchain environment:

  1. Create a Tenderly fork.
  2. Ensure you fill in the .env values in both the contracts and UI directories.

Position yourself in the RateX/contracts folder and deploy the smart contracts to your Tenderly fork:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network tenderly

Fund the first wallet account on the Tenderly fork to simulate transactions:

npx hardhat run scripts/utils/fundTenderly.js --network tenderly

Finally, from the RateX folder, start the frontend application:

npm start

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🙏 Acknowledgements

Special thanks to Decenter internship teams for supporting this project and all the contributors who made this possible.

📬 Contact

For any questions or support, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.

Built with ❤️ by the RateX team