Make sure you have the MongoDB PHP driver installed. You can find installation instructions at
Install the latest stable version using composer:
composer require denchikby/phalcon-mongodb-odm
"require": {
"denchikby/phalcon-mongodb-odm": "dev-master"
Add settings and service to DI:
$di->set('config', function () {
return new \Phalcon\Config([
'mongodb' => [
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 27017,
'database' => 'auto'
}, true);
$di->set('mongo', function () use ($di) {
$config = $di->get('config')->mongodb;
$manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://' . $config->host . ':' . $config->port);
return $manager;
}, true);
use DenchikBY\MongoDB\Model;
class User extends Model {}
in this case will be used 'user' collection with same name as model.
To specify another collection name use getSource method:
use DenchikBY\MongoDB\Model;
class User extends Model
public static function getSource()
return 'users';
To initialize a new model instead of
$user = new User;
$user = User::init();
Initialize filled model:
$user = User::init(['name' => 'DenchikBY']);
$user = User::init()->fill(['name' => 'DenchikBY']);
or init and save in db
$user = User::create(['name' => 'DenchikBY']);
To array:
$ad = Ads::init()->first();
var_dump($ad->toArray()); // array of all fields
var_dump($ad->toArray(['include' => ['id', 'name']])); // array of specified fields
var_dump($ad->toArray(['exclude' => ['user_id']])); // array of all fields except specified
Unset field:
$ad = Ads::init()->first();
It allow you to modify attribute type on setting/filling:
It help to save fields to db with need type, what is very important, cause mongo don't casting types in queries.
Supported types: integer, float, boolean, string, array, object, id
class User extends Model
protected static $casts = [
'age' => 'integer'
$user->age = '20';
var_dump($user->age); => int(20)
Casts also work in where methods of builder:
User::where('age', '20')->get();
age will converted to integer and query will load normally.
There are two types of relations: one and many;
field => [related model, type, local field, foreign field]
public static $relations = [
'user' => [Users::class, 'one', 'user_id', '_id'],
'comments' => [Comments::class, 'many', '_id', 'ad_id']
Relations can be loaded by two ways:
By one query:
Ads::where('views', '>', 1000)->join('user')->join('comments')->get()
it will use $lookup operator of aggregation framework.
By several queries, just call attribute with name of key in relations array:
$user = User::where('name', 'DenchikBY')->first();
Scopes help to put common queries to methods:
* @method $this active()
class BaseModel extends Model
public scopeActive($builder)
return $builder->where('active', 1);
$users = User::active()->get();
$ads = Ads::active()->get();
This scope will binded to any query of model:
class Ads extends Model
public static $globalScopes = ['notDeleted'];
public function notDeleted($builder)
return $builder->where('deleted', 0);
Mutators allow modify attributes when you getting, setting or filling it.
For example, when you creating user and set the password, hashing may be defined in model:
$user = User::create([
'name' => 'DenchikBY',
'password' => '1234'
class User extends Model
public function getName($value)
return ucfirst($value);
public function setPassword($value)
return Di::getDefault()->get('security')->hash($value);
Existed events before/after for actions save, create, update, delete.
class User extends Model
public function afterCreate()
Email::send($this->email, 'emails.succeddfull_registration', ['user' => $this]);
Query builder could be called clearly or implicitly.
$users = User::query()->get();
$users = User::get();
$builder = User::query();
//allowed operators in where =, !=, >, <, >=, <=
$builder->where('name', '=', 'DenchikBY');
$builder->where('name', 'DenchikBY');
$builder->orWhere('name', 'Denis');
$builder->betweenWhere('age', 20, 30);
$builder->notBetweenWhere('age', 20, 30);
$builder->inWhere('name', ['DenchikBY', 'Denis']);
$builder->notInWhere('name', ['DenchikBY', 'Denis']);
$builder->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
$builder->limit(2, 1);
//Closing methods:
$users = $builder->get(); // return collection of models
$user = $builder->first(); // return first model without collection
$count = $builder->count(); // run count command, which return int of counted documents
$count = $builder->increment('coins', 10); // increase field in founded documents, return count of them
$count = $builder->decrement('coins', 10);
$count = $builder->update(['banned' => 1]); // update founded documents with specified fields, return count of them
$count = $builder->delete(); // delete founded documents, return count of them
$age = $builder->max('age');
$age = $builder->min('age');
$age = $builder->avg('age');
$total = $builder->sum('age');
For grouping where conditions:
$query = Ads::query()->where('auto_id', '567153ea43946846683e77ff')->where(function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('body', 1)->orWhere('capacity', 2);
Every select query will return iterated collection class of models.
$collection = Comments::where('ad_id', new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId($id))->get();
It could be iterated with foreach, or used as array $collection[0]->name;
Size of collection:
Will return array of assocs of each model:
Return json of array, created by toArray method:
Eager loading, similar as join:
Will load all for all comments by single query and put necessary into every document.
$collection->eager(Users::class, 'user', 'user_id', '_id');
Grouping documents to arrays by specific field:
Keys the collection by the given key (unlike groupBy that value will single model, in groupBy array of models):
Return array of values specific field of collection:
Return associated array of specified key => value fields:
$collection->combine('_id', 'text');
Return array of chunked collection by specified size: