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Aviatrix - Terraform Modules Copilot - Azure Copilot Cluster Initialize


This Terraform module initializes a newly created Aviatrix Copilot Cluster. This module assumes that the controller, main copilot and copilot nodes are all deployed on Azure. The following actions are performed:

  1. Modify the security groups for controller and copilot instances
  2. Try to log in controller
  3. Try to log in main copilot and cluster nodes
  4. Log in controller to get CID
  5. Initialize copilot cluster
  6. Check initialization status

Example of Launching Copilot Instances and Initializing the Cluster

NOTE: No matter whether it's in private mode or not, main copilot and nodes must be in the same VNET.

Case 1: Not in private mode

In this case, controller and copilot cluster can be in different VNETs. In the following example:

  1. A main copilot instance is launched using the copilot_build_azure module.
  2. In the same VNET where the main copilot is, three node copilot instances are launched using the copilot_build_azure module.
  3. The copilot cluster is initialized using the copilot_cluster_initialize_azure module.
  4. Some settings in the controller are configured using the Aviatrix Terraform provider.


  1. After the cluster has been successfully initialized, the following settings need to be configured in the Aviatrix controller. This is the reason for the step 4 above.
  • Enable syslog configuration for main copilot
  • Enable netflow configuration for main copilot
  • Enable copilot security group management in controller
  1. After deployment, the main copilot ports 31283 and 5000 will be open for any IP ( It is strongly recommended to remove the entry from the CoPilot security group for these ports and add entries for all of your gateway IP addresses.
// ************
// ** Step 1 **
// ************

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  subscription_id = "<< SUBSCRIPTION ID >>"
  client_id       = "<< CLIENT ID >>"
  client_secret   = "<< CLIENT SECRET >>"
  tenant_id       = "<< TENANT ID >>"

module "main" {
  source                         = ""
  copilot_name                   = "main"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "main_data_disk"
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"
  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

// ************
// ** Step 2 **
// ************

resource "azurerm_subnet" "node1_subnet" {
  name                 = "node1-subnet"
  resource_group_name  = module.main.resource_group_name
  virtual_network_name = "main-vnet"
  address_prefixes     = [""]
  depends_on           = [module.main]

resource "azurerm_subnet" "node2_subnet" {
  name                 = "node2-subnet"
  resource_group_name  = module.main.resource_group_name
  virtual_network_name = "main-vnet"
  address_prefixes     = [""]
  depends_on           = [module.main]

resource "azurerm_subnet" "node3_subnet" {
  name                 = "node3-subnet"
  resource_group_name  = module.main.resource_group_name
  virtual_network_name = "main-vnet"
  address_prefixes     = [""]
  depends_on           = [module.main]

module "node1" {
  source                         = ""
  use_existing_vnet              = true
  resource_group_name            = module.main.resource_group_name
  subnet_id                      =
  copilot_name                   = "node1"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "node1_data_disk"
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"

  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

  depends_on = [module.main]

module "node2" {
  source                         = ""
  use_existing_vnet              = true
  resource_group_name            = module.main.resource_group_name
  subnet_id                      =
  copilot_name                   = "node2"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "node2_data_disk"
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"

  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

  depends_on = [module.main]

module "node3" {
  source                         = ""
  use_existing_vnet              = true
  resource_group_name            = module.main.resource_group_name
  subnet_id                      =
  copilot_name                   = "node3"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "node3_data_disk"
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"

  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

  depends_on = [module.main]

// ************
// ** Step 3 **
// ************

module "init" {
  source                                    = ""
  subscription_id                           = "<< SUBSCRIPTION ID >>"
  client_id                                 = "<< CLIENT ID >>"
  client_secret                             = "<< CLIENT SECRET >>"
  tenant_id                                 = "<< TENANT ID >>"
  controller_public_ip                      = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip                     = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"
  controller_username                       = "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"
  controller_password                       = "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"
  controller_resource_group_name            = "<< CONTROLLER RESOURCE GROUP NAME >>"
  controller_network_security_group_name    = "<< CONTROLLER NETWORK SECURITY GROUP NAME >>"
  controller_security_rule_name             = "<< CONTROLLER SECURITY RULE NAME >>"
  controller_security_rule_priority         = 1000
  copilot_cluster_resource_group_name       = module.main.resource_group_name
  main_copilot_public_ip                    = module.main.public_ip
  main_copilot_private_ip                   = module.main.private_ip
  main_copilot_username                     = "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"
  main_copilot_password                     = "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"
  main_copilot_network_security_group_name  = module.main.network_security_group_name
  main_copilot_security_rule_name           = "main-copilot-cluster-rule"
  main_copilot_security_rule_priority       = 1000
  node_copilot_public_ips                   = [module.node1.public_ip, module.node2.public_ip, module.node3.public_ip]
  node_copilot_private_ips                  = [module.node1.private_ip, module.node2.private_ip, module.node3.private_ip]
  node_copilot_usernames                    = ["<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>", "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>", "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"]
  node_copilot_passwords                    = ["<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>", "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>", "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"]
  node_copilot_names                        = ["node1", "node2", "node3"]
  node_copilot_network_security_group_names = [module.node1.network_security_group_name, module.node2.network_security_group_name, module.node3.network_security_group_name]
  node_copilot_security_rule_names          = ["node1-copilot-cluster-rule", "node2-copilot-cluster-rule", "node3-copilot-cluster-rule"]
  node_copilot_security_rule_priorities     = [1000, 1000, 1000]

  depends_on = [module.main, module.node1, module.node2, module.node3]

output "main_public_ip" {
  value = module.main.public_ip
output "main_private_ip" {
  value = module.main.private_ip
output "node1_public_ip" {
  value = module.node1.public_ip
output "node1_private_ip" {
  value = module.node1.private_ip
output "node2_public_ip" {
  value = module.node2.public_ip
output "node2_private_ip" {
  value = module.node2.private_ip
output "node3_public_ip" {
  value = module.node3.public_ip
output "node3_private_ip" {
  value = module.node3.private_ip

// ************
// ** Step 4 **
// ************

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aviatrix = {
      source  = "AviatrixSystems/aviatrix"
      version = "2.23.0" // version 2.23+ is required

provider "aviatrix" {
  username      = "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"
  password      = "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"
  controller_ip = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"

resource "aviatrix_remote_syslog" "copilot_remote_syslog" {
  index    = 9
  name     = "example"
  server   = module.main.public_ip
  port     = 5000
  protocol = "UDP"

resource "aviatrix_netflow_agent" "copilot_netflow_agent" {
  server_ip = module.main.public_ip
  port      = 31283

resource "aviatrix_copilot_security_group_management_config" "copilot_sg_mgmt" {
  cloud_type                               = 1
  account_name                             = "<< ACCESS ACCOUNT NAME >>"
  region                                   = module.main.region
  vpc_id                                   = module.main.vpc_id
  instance_id                              = module.main.ec2-info[0].id
  enable_copilot_security_group_management = true

Case 2: In private mode

In this case, controller and copilot cluster must be in the same VNET. Before running the example, subnets for the cluster should be set up. The code must be run on a machine which has access to the internet, the controller and the copilot cluster (main and nodes).

In the following example:

  1. In the VNET where the controller is, a main copilot instance is launched using the copilot_build_azure module.
  2. In the same VNET where the main copilot is, three node copilot instances are launched using the copilot_build_azure module.
  3. The copilot cluster is initialized using the copilot_cluster_initialize_azure module.
  4. Some settings in the controller are configured using the Aviatrix Terraform provider.


  1. After the cluster has been successfully initialized, the following settings need to be configured in the Aviatrix controller. This is the reason for the step 4 above.
  • Enable syslog configuration for main copilot
  • Enable netflow configuration for main copilot
  1. After deployment, the main copilot ports 31283 and 5000 will be open for any IP ( It is strongly recommended removing the entry from the CoPilot security group for these ports and add entries for all of your gateway IP addresses.
// ************
// ** Step 1 **
// ************

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  subscription_id = "<< SUBSCRIPTION ID >>"
  client_id       = "<< CLIENT ID >>"
  client_secret   = "<< CLIENT SECRET >>"
  tenant_id       = "<< TENANT ID >>"

module "main" {
  source                         = ""
  copilot_name                   = "main"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "main_data_disk"
  private_mode                   = true
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"
  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

// ************
// ** Step 2 **
// ************

module "node1" {
  source                         = ""
  use_existing_vnet              = true
  resource_group_name            = module.main.resource_group_name
  subnet_id                      =
  copilot_name                   = "node1"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "node1_data_disk"
  private_mode                   = true
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"

  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

  depends_on = [module.main]

module "node2" {
  source                         = ""
  use_existing_vnet              = true
  resource_group_name            = module.main.resource_group_name
  subnet_id                      =
  copilot_name                   = "node2"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "node2_data_disk"
  private_mode                   = true  
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"

  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

  depends_on = [module.main]

module "node3" {
  source                         = ""
  use_existing_vnet              = true
  resource_group_name            = module.main.resource_group_name
  subnet_id                      =
  copilot_name                   = "node3"
  virtual_machine_admin_username = "aviatrix"
  default_data_disk_size         = 50
  default_data_disk_name         = "node3_data_disk"
  private_mode                   = true
  is_cluster                     = true
  controller_public_ip           = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"
  controller_private_ip          = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"

  allowed_cidrs = {
    "tcp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "100"
      protocol = "Tcp"
      ports    = ["443"]
      cidrs    = ["<< CIDRS ALLOWED FOR HTTPS ACCESS >>"] // your current IP must be included
    "udp_cidrs" = {
      priority = "200"
      protocol = "Udp"
      ports    = ["5000", "31283"]
      cidrs    = [""]

  depends_on = [module.main]

// ************
// ** Step 3 **
// ************

module "init" {
  source                                    = ""
  subscription_id                           = "<< SUBSCRIPTION ID >>"
  client_id                                 = "<< CLIENT ID >>"
  client_secret                             = "<< CLIENT SECRET >>"
  tenant_id                                 = "<< TENANT ID >>"
  controller_private_ip                     = "<< CONTROLLER PRIVATE IP >>"
  controller_username                       = "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"
  controller_password                       = "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"
  controller_resource_group_name            = "<< CONTROLLER RESOURCE GROUP NAME >>"
  controller_network_security_group_name    = "<< CONTROLLER NETWORK SECURITY GROUP NAME >>"
  controller_security_rule_name             = "<< CONTROLLER SECURITY RULE NAME >>"
  controller_security_rule_priority         = 1000
  copilot_cluster_resource_group_name       = module.main.resource_group_name
  main_copilot_private_ip                   = module.main.private_ip
  main_copilot_username                     = "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"
  main_copilot_password                     = "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"
  main_copilot_network_security_group_name  = module.main.network_security_group_name
  main_copilot_security_rule_name           = "<< MAIN COPILOT SECURITY RULE NAME >>"
  main_copilot_security_rule_priority       = 1000
  node_copilot_private_ips                  = [module.node1.private_ip, module.node2.private_ip, module.node3.private_ip]
  node_copilot_usernames                    = ["<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>", "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>", "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"]
  node_copilot_passwords                    = ["<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>", "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>", "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"]
  node_copilot_names                        = ["node1", "node2", "node3"]
  node_copilot_network_security_group_names = [module.node1.network_security_group_name, module.node2.network_security_group_name, module.node3.network_security_group_name]
  node_copilot_security_rule_names          = ["<< NODE1 SECURITY RULE NAME >>", "<< NODE2 SECURITY RULE NAME >>", "<< NODE3 SECURITY RULE NAME >>"]
  node_copilot_security_rule_priorities     = [1000, 1000, 1000]
  private_mode                              = true
  depends_on = [module.main, module.node1, module.node2, module.node3]

output "main_private_ip" {
  value = module.main.private_ip

output "node1_private_ip" {
  value = module.node1.private_ip

output "node2_private_ip" {
  value = module.node2.private_ip

output "node3_private_ip" {
  value = module.node3.private_ip

// ************
// ** Step 4 **
// ************

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aviatrix = {
      source = "AviatrixSystems/aviatrix"
      version = "2.23.0" // version 2.23+ is required

provider "aviatrix" {
  username      = "<< CONTROLLER USERNAME >>"
  password      = "<< CONTROLLER PASSWORD >>"
  controller_ip = "<< CONTROLLER PUBLIC IP >>"

resource "aviatrix_remote_syslog" "copilot_remote_syslog" {
  index    = 9
  name     = "example"
  server   = module.main.public_ip
  port     = 5000
  protocol = "TCP"

resource "aviatrix_netflow_agent" "copilot_netflow_agent" {
  server_ip = module.main.public_ip
  port      = 31283


  • subscription_id Subscription ID.

  • client_id Client ID.

  • client_secret Client secret.

  • tenant_id Tenant ID.

  • controller_public_ip Controller public IP. Default: "".

NOTE: A valid controller_public_ip is required when private_mode is false.

  • controller_private_ip Controller private IP.

  • controller_username Controller username.

  • controller_password Controller password.

  • controller_resource_group_name Controller resource group name.

  • controller_network_security_group_name Controller network security group name.

  • controller_security_rule_name Controller security rule name.

  • controller_security_rule_priority Controller security rule priority.

  • copilot_cluster_resource_group_name Copilot cluster resource group name.

  • main_copilot_public_ip Main copilot public IP. Default: "".

NOTE: A valid main_copilot_public_ip is required when private_mode is false.

  • main_copilot_private_ip Main copilot private IP.

  • main_copilot_username Main copilot username.

  • main_copilot_password Main copilot password.

  • main_copilot_network_security_group_name Main copilot network security group name.

  • main_copilot_security_rule_name Main copilot security rule name.

  • main_copilot_security_rule_priority Main copilot security rule priority.

  • node_copilot_public_ips List of node copilot public IPs. Default: [""].

NOTE: Valid node_copilot_public_ips are required when private_mode is false.

  • node_copilot_private_ips List of node copilot private IPs.

  • node_copilot_usernames List of node copilot usernames.

  • node_copilot_passwords List of node copilot passwords.

  • node_copilot_names List of node copilot names.

  • node_copilot_network_security_group_names List of node copilot network security group names.

  • node_copilot_security_rule_names List of node copilot security rule names.

  • node_copilot_security_rule_priorities List of node copilot security rule priorities.

  • private_mode Flag to indicate whether the copilot is for private mode. Default: false.

APIs Used

  • login - controller API and copilot API
  • cluster - copilot API