Takes a given course page url OURVLE and donwloads all the resource files
- selenium
- regex
- sys
- chromedriver(Google Chrome Webrowser)
- Create a holding area for files
- Collect login information of user from command line
- Log into ourvle and open each course page
- If prompted to change password press "cancel" otherwise skip the command to press cancel (Use whether cancel is found on the page or not)
- Navigate to each page
- Search for all links containing anchor tags with pattern 'https://ourvle.mona.uwi.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=[/d]*' (Using regex to determine the patterns)
- On Each page after downloading mv all the files in the holding area to a newly created directory with the coures page name
- Creation of holding folder in donwload folder called 'Courses'
- Navigate pages - webNavigate(Login info) a. Downloading each page resource (Helper function) - downloadRes b. Creation of new folder to house new files and move them to that folder