Welcome to the DevCycle .NET Server SDK, which interfaces with a local bucketing library. This SDK requests config from DevCycle servers on DevCycleClient initialization. All calls to the client will then perform local bucketing to determine if a user receives a specific variation. Events are queued and flushed periodically in the background. This version is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and utilizes more resources to perform local bucketing.
Download the SDK from Nuget - https://www.nuget.org/packages/DevCycle.SDK.Server.Local/
Use the example app DevCycle.SDK.Server.Local.Example
. It will read your DevCycle SDK key from an environment variable DEVCYCLE_SERVER_SDK_KEY
Your DevCycle SDK key can be found via Environments & Keys Settings on the DevCycle dashboard.
To find usage documentation, visit our docs for Local Bucketing.
The DevCycle SDK uses Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for logging and logs to stdout by default. You can customize the logging by providing your own ILoggingFactory when creating the DevCycleLocalClient
var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
.AddConsole() // Configure the logger to output to the console
.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Information); // Set the minimum log level to Information
client = new DevCycleLocalClientBuilder()
.SetOptions(options ?? new DevCycleLocalOptions())
.SetOptions(new DevCycleLocalOptions(configPollingIntervalMs: 60000, eventFlushIntervalMs: 60000))