Based in the work of 55Build credits
A highly configurable Column widget for displaying a contact avatar with name and short message. Library also includes the ability the create a ListView using the FFContactAvatarList Widget or using the convenience functions fromModelList
(to create a ListView directly, suited to a small number or items) and fromModelListWithBuilder
(to create a ListView using the .builder approach, suited to a large number of items).
ff_contact_avatar: ^0.1.1
To manually configure each item, simply create FFContactAvatar objects using the approach below...
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ff_contact_avatar/ff_contact_avatar.dart';
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
name: 'Ed Roberts',
message: 'He\'s a man',
showBadge: true,
SizedBox(height: 10),
name: 'Mr Ed',
message: 'He\'s a horse',
'<URL of file here or swap for Image.asset(...)'),
showBadge: true,
To use a specific theme for each item, specifying it using the inline option below...
name: 'Ed Roberts',
message: 'He\'s a man',
showBadge: true,
theme: FFContactAvatarTheme(
backgroundColor: Colors.blueAccent,
avatarElevation: 20.0,
If you need a list for only a small number of items, it is recommended to create a list of FFContactAvatarModel objects to store the data, before creating the ListView directly from the list of models...
final List<FFContactAvatarModel> models = [
name: 'Ed Roberts',
message: 'He\s a man',
showBadge: true,
name: 'Mr Ed',
message: 'He\s a horse',
showBadge: false,
name: 'Mrs Roberts',
message: 'Ed\'s Wife',
name: 'Mrs Horse',
message: 'Also Ed\'s Wife',
showBadge: true,
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
// Output a ListView using the manual data set (NO builder)
Text('Sample using full ListView'),
child: FFContactAvatarList.fromModelList(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
onSelectAvatar: (index) {
print('Index ' + index.toString() + ' selected.');
height: 1,
child: Container(
color: Colors.grey,
Using ListView.builder approach is recommended when you need to display a large number of items in a ListView. This approach allows the builder to handle displaying only those items that need to be visible to the user, deriving better performance.
// Create the list of data as before ... it just needs to be a List<FFContactAvatarModel> object
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
// Output a ListView using the .builder approach (using long list of generated data)
Text('Sample using ListView.Builder'),
child: FFContactAvatarList.fromModelListWithBuilder(
context: context,
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
onSelectAvatar: (index) {
print('Index ' + index.toString() + ' selected.');
The avatar has a Theme class which can be used to define the majority of appearance settings for the avatar.
- backgroundColor: The background color for the CircleAvatar when initials are being displayed (i.e. no image) (default = blueGrey)
- foregroundColor: The color to use for the text of initials (default = white)
- badgeColor: The color to use for the notification badge circle (default = red)
- avatarRadius: The radius of the CircleAvatar widget (default = 31)
- initialsTextStyle: The default text style for initials (default = bold, 26pt with 1.4 letter spacing)
- nameTextStyle: The default text style for the name (default = bold, 13pt)
- messageTextStyle: The default text style for the message (default = normal, 11pt)
- verticalPadding: The space to include between each vertical component (default = 2.0)
- avatarElevation: The elevation to be used for drop shadow effect (default = 4.0)
- itemExtent: The extent (cross-axis width/height) for each item (only applies to ListView) (default = 80)
- listPadding: The padding (as an EdgeInsets object) to use in the ListView (default = EdgeInsets.all(16.0))
The Model object is provided to encapsulate the creation of data in a way that is compatible with the easy creation of FFContactAvatar and related List Widgets.
The following parameters are available:
final String name; // Name value
final String message; // Message value
final Image image; // Optional image value
final bool showBadge; // Bool value (should notification badge be displayed, default = false
final VoidCallback onTap; // onTap handler (void callback)
- theme: A FFContactAvatarTheme theme object
- image: An Image object for the image to display in the CircleAvatar
- name: A String of the contact name to display (will also be used to create the initials if no image is provided, with a maximum initials length of 2)
- message: A string of the message to display
- showBadge: A bool value indicating if the notification badge should be displayed (default = false)
- onTap: A void callback function triggered when the circle avatar is tapped
- model: A FFContactAvatarModel object which can be used to provide the name, message, image and showBadge options instead of specifying individually.
- models: A List object which provides the data to use.
- scrollDirection: An Axis attribute which specifies the direction of the ListView (e.g. Axis.horizontal)
- theme: An FFContactAvatarTheme object which can specific the theme of ALL items in the ListView
- onSelectAvatar: A callback function (which requires a int type index parameter) that will be called when a child of the ListView is tapped, with the index representing the zero-based index of the selected item.
The static function fromModelList
can be called to easily create a ListView using standard theme and options...
static StatelessWidget fromModelList(
List<FFContactAvatarModel> models, {
Axis scrollDirection = Axis.horizontal,
FFContactAvatarListSelected onSelectAvatar,
The static function fromModelListWithBuilder
can be called to easily create a ListViewBuilder using standard theme and options...
static StatelessWidget fromModelListWithBuilder(
List<FFContactAvatarModel> models, {
Axis scrollDirection = Axis.horizontal,
FFContactAvatarListSelected onSelectAvatar,
@required BuildContext context,