Use AWS S3 as the storage backend for a nodejs web server.
docker run --env BUCKET=mybucket --env PORT=8080 --publish 8080:8080 -t forkzero/s3proxy:1.6.1
curl http://localhost:8080/index.html # serves s3://mybucket/index.html
If you need to pass temporary AWS credentials to your docker container (for local development, for example), generate the temporary credentials with the aws cli
, store it in a file called credentials.json
, and then mount that file into your container at /src/credentials.json
. Note: this capability is disabled if NODE_ENV
is undefined or NODE_ENV
matches /^prod/i
(e.g. prod
or production
, not case-sensitive).
aws sts get-session-token --duration 900 > credentials.json
docker run \
-v $PWD/credentials.json:/src/credentials.json:ro \
-e BUCKET=mybucket \
-e PORT=8080 \
-e NODE_ENV=dev \
-p 8080:8080 \
-t forkzero/s3proxy:1.6.1
curl http://localhost:8080/index.html # serves s3://mybucket/index.html
Run it locally without docker:
npm install s3proxy express body-parser morgan express-request-id helmet
PORT=8080 BUCKET=mybucket node ./examples/express-s3proxy
curl http://localhost:8080/index.html # serves s3://mybucket/index.html
Use the Range feature to get a certain byte range:
curl --range 0-99 http://localhost:8080/large.bin -o range.bin
- Designed to be embedded into your nodejs application
- Provides stream interface; stream files, even very large files, quickly and with a low memory footprint
- HTTP GET requests are translated to S3 GetObject calls
- HTTP HEAD requests are translated to S3 HeadObject calls
- HTTP Range header is translated to S3 Range parameter (useful for working with large files, media files, etc)
- Transparently handles retries against the AWS S3 backend
- AWS S3 headers are provided as the HTTP response headers, including content-type and content-length
- Easily integrated with common nodejs web frameworks; examples include http and express apps.
- HealthCheck API verifies bucket connectivity and authentication, suitable for ELB health checks or monitoring services
- Docker image source is here and a public image is available on DockerHub
- Popular nodejs web frameworks express and http
- AWS Elastic Container Service CloudFormation stack
- AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
Efficient, high-performance HTTP-based access to your S3 objects.
AWS S3 provides native web hosting, but it lacks fine-grained security controls. By hosting your own web server, you can use all of the AWS features including Security Groups, Route53, and network access control lists to control access to your resources
AWS S3 web hosting only serves static content. By using S3 as the backend, you can stream files through your favorite templating engine for dynamic content on the fly.
A build process pushes RPM artifacts and metadata to a S3 bucket. The linux hosts need to use yum
to install packages from this repo.
Rather than running yum-s3 and supplying credentials to each host, we use s3proxy to expose
the files via HTTP like yum
expects. The additional benefit is that only one piece of our infrastructure has a dependency on S3.
- Clone this repo,
cd s3proxy
- Edit examples/express-basic.js, replace
with your S3 bucket name - Install dependencies
npm install
- Start the server
PORT=8080 node express-basic
- Test it out (change index.html to the name of a file that exists in your bucket)
curl http://localhost:3000/index.html
mkdir website
cd website
npm init
npm install --save express express-request-id morgan s3proxy
curl -O
DEBUG=s3proxy PORT=8080 BUCKET=mybucket node express-s3proxy
s3proxy needs read access (s3:GetObject) on your bucket, and uses the AWS javascript sdk. You can provide credentials using any method supported:
The Environment Variables option is easy to get started, just make sure the variables are defined before you start the node process.
Alternatively, you can specify the profile to use on command line:
AWS_PROFILE=foo PORT=8080 node examples/express-basic.js
One way to test is to verify that your aws cli works from command line (substitute your bucket name):
aws s3 ls s3://s3proxy-public/
Here is the minimal set of permissions needed to run s3proxy (replace mybucket with your bucket name):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "s3proxyAccess",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*"
As of version 1.5, the request URL is decoded prior to passing the key name to the S3 GetObject method. This has unit and integration test coverage and is tested against the special characters specified here across all three categories:
- Safe characters
- Characters that might require special handling
- Characters to avoid
start your server:
PORT=3000 node examples/express-basic.js
curl the url-encoded object:
# object name: specialCharacters!-_.*'()&$@=;:+ ,?\{^}%`]">[~<#|.
# url-encoded object name: specialCharacters!-_.*'()%26%24%40%3D%3B%3A%2B%20%20%2C%3F%5C%7B%5E%7D%25%60%5D%22%3E%5B~%3C%23%7C.
# bash-safe and url-encoded object name: specialCharacters\!-_.*'()%26%24%40%3D%3B%3A%2B%20%20%2C%3F%5C%7B%5E%7D%25%60%5D%22%3E%5B~%3C%23%7C.
curl -v "http://localhost:3000/specialCharacters\!-_.*'()%26%24%40%3D%3B%3A%2B%20%20%2C%3F%5C%7B%5E%7D%25%60%5D%22%3E%5B~%3C%23%7C."
Performance is highly dependent on the types of files served and the infrastructure. See the Load Testing section for some data on different scenarios.
A tip to increase performance is to configure the aws-sdk to reuse TCP connections. In Load Testing, setting the AWS_NODEJS_CONNECTION_REUSE_ENABLED=1
environment variable reduced median response times by nearly 50% over a 60-second period.
When running s3proxy on an EC2 instance and comparing the artillery run (running on the same instance) against the AWS public S3 website, the response times for s3proxy were about 50% lower. This at least means s3proxy is not adding a lot of overhead over the AWS public S3 website.
Reliability can be achieved by fronting the web server with a Load Balancer. Each instance of s3proxy will utilize retries, which are enabled by the aws-sdk by default and can be further configured via the AWS SDK Global Configuration Object
npm install s3proxy --save
S3Proxy Express Framework Example
Passes HTTP GET requests to s3proxy
Start: PORT=3000 node express
const express = require('express');
const S3Proxy = require('s3proxy');
const port = process.env.PORT;
const app = express();
const proxy = new S3Proxy({ bucket: 's3proxy-public' });
.get((req, res) => {
// Make sure to add an error handler (as shown below), otherwise your server will crash if the stream
// encounters an error (which occurs, for instance, when the requested object doesn't
// exist).
.head(async (req, res) => {
await proxy.head(req, res);
.get((req, res) => {
.on('error', () => res.end())
if (port > 0) {
module.exports = app;
const S3Proxy = require('s3proxy');
const http = require('http');
const port = process.env.PORT;
const proxy = new S3Proxy({ bucket: 's3proxy-public' });
// Make sure to add an error handler (as shown below), otherwise your server will crash if the stream
// encounters an error (which occurs, for instance, when the requested object doesn't
// exist).
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
.on('error', () => res.end())
if (port > 0) {
module.exports = server;
The AWS.S3 object accepts options as defined here. These options can be passed through via the S3Proxy constructor.
const configuredProxy = new S3Proxy({
bucket: 's3proxy-public',
httpOptions: { connectTimeout: 1 },
logger: console
S3Proxy is a subclass of EventEmitter. That means you can register event listeners on the async calls.
proxy.on('init', () => {
proxy.on('error', (error) => {
also accepts a callback function:
proxy.init((error) => {
if (error) {
else {
The current test suite consists of some unit tests, but most of the tests are functional tests that require AWS S3 access. It uses a public bucket called s3proxy-public.
# Run the test suite
npm test
Artillery can be used to send load to your endpoint. You can view the scenarios we use here.
If you run this, please make sure to run it against your bucket.
Below are the results from a run on a t2.micro Amazon Linux 2 instance. Steps to run the load test:
# Install git and node
sudo yum install git
curl -o- | bash
. ~/.nvm/
nvm install node
# Clone the s3proxy repo
git clone
# Run the test
cd s3proxy
npm install
AWS_NODEJS_CONNECTION_REUSE_ENABLED=1 PORT=3000 node examples/express-basic.js
# In a different console
cd s3proxy
npm run artillery-local
Response time p95 is less than 35ms and median response time is 12.3ms.
All virtual users finished
Summary report @ 01:36:53(+0000) 2020-08-17
Scenarios launched: 1200
Scenarios completed: 1200
Requests completed: 1200
Mean response/sec: 19.87
Response time (msec):
min: 8.1
max: 275.9
median: 12.3
p95: 34.4
p99: 62.9
Scenario counts:
0: 245 (20.417%)
1: 225 (18.75%)
2: 220 (18.333%)
3: 260 (21.667%)
4: 250 (20.833%)
200: 730
403: 220
404: 250
Below are the results from a run on a MacBook Pro with home internet ( measured 61Mbps download and 5.0Mbps upload). It shows ~20 responses per second, the p95 response time was just under 250ms, and the median response time was 44.7ms.
All virtual users finished
Summary report @ 21:46:11(-0400) 2020-08-16
Scenarios launched: 1200
Scenarios completed: 1200
Requests completed: 1200
Mean response/sec: 19.86
Response time (msec):
min: 22.8
max: 918.4
median: 44.7
p95: 246.3
p99: 339.6
Scenario counts:
0: 248 (20.667%)
1: 212 (17.667%)
2: 256 (21.333%)
3: 266 (22.167%)
4: 218 (18.167%)
200: 726
403: 256
404: 218
To execute the tests:
- start your local web server on port 8080
- run artillery
npm run artillery-local
Note: This is currently not working, as this stage fails: [Node CI/build-2] ❌ Failure - Configure AWS Credentials
brew install nektos/tap/act
# see the status
npm outdated
# install npm-check-updates
npm install --global npm-check-updates
# update all dependencies
ncu --upgrade
# run audit
npm audit
# address audit issues
npm audit fix
Add secrets to GitHub Secrets in the repo, per
- git clone
- The version number exists in the documentation, search *.md files and change to new version number:
grep -r --exclude-dir node_modules --exclude package.json --exclude package-lock.json 1.6.1 *
- npm version minor (or major or patch)
- if you make a mistake:
git reset --hard HEAD~1
Delete the most recent commit, destroying the work you've donegit tag -d <tag_name>
Delete the tag that was just created
- if you make a mistake:
- make all # run all tests
- npm publish
- git push
- git push origin <tag_name>
- create GitHub Release