- Pro
WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate Public
[WordPress] A foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins.
react-draft-wysiwyg Public
Forked from jpuri/react-draft-wysiwygA Wysiwyg editor build on top of ReactJS and DraftJS. https://jpuri.github.io/react-draft-wysiwyg
pagedraw Public
Forked from Pagedraw/pagedrawa UI builder for React web apps
wppb-demo-plugin Public
A demo plugin using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate
WPPB-React Public
A WordPress Plugin Boilerplate using React and Webpack for building a minified transpiled release version
wppb-admin-page Public
Scaffolding out what a wppb rewrite could look like with a simple admin page. No WP standards used because I don't have a local setup that has IDE rules to keep me inline with WP standards at the m…
single-page-styling Public
Simple WordPress plugin to add a css editor meta box for individual posts and pages
bones Public
Forked from eddiemachado-zz/bonesA Mobile-First, Responsive WordPress starter theme based off 320 and Up & HTML5 Boilerplate.
docs-v2 Public
Forked from WP-API/docs-v2Documentation for version 2 of the API
Dark-Admin Public
Forked from MichaelArestad/Dark-AdminAn experiment in polite styles.
dadmin Public
A simple plugin to make it easier for my dad to use the WordPress admin
our-team Public
Forked from woocommerce/our-teamHi, I'm your team profile management plugin for WordPress. Show off what your team members using our shortcode, widget or template tag.
documentation-post-type Public
Forked from devinsays/documentation-post-typeCreated a WordPress custom post type for product documentation.
Plugin-Directory-Boilerplate Public
Boilerplate for publishing plugins in the WordPress Plugin directory.
no-sidebar-twentyfifteen Public
Child theme for twentyfifteen that keeps the mobile layout on all the time.
wp-style-guide Public
Forked from helen/wp-style-guideStill not really a real thing. Also more of a pattern library.
appthemer-crowdfunding Public
Forked from affonso/appthemer-crowdfunding -
enfold-child-docs Public
Documentation style child theme for Kriesi.at online theme docs.
options-framework-theme Public
Forked from devinsays/options-framework-themeAn Options Panel Framework to help speed theme development.
wp-job-manager-fields Public
Forked from Astoundify/wp-job-manager-fieldsHow to add custom fields to WP Job Manager plugin.
avia-buddypress Public
Forked from InoPlugs/avia-buddypressAvia BuddyPress
PHP UpdatedJun 25, 2013