DevotedMC is proud to release EasyHelpOP stable release 1.1.0 for Spigot 1.12. No guarantee, but this should be backwards compatible for 1.8.x/1.9.x/1.10.x/1.11.x as well (untested).
Players use /helpop to ask questions.
Helpers use /viewhelp to answer, using an interactive on-screen menu.
Extremely easy to use both for players and for admins. Simple permissions system to control access to both /helpop and /viewhelp commands.
If a question isn't helpful, use /ignorehelp to ignore that question. Console admins can use /viewhelp and /replyhelp to answer questions.
Questions persist over restarts and can be reviewed later to check on quality of answers by helpers.
Check the for more details.
This release requires a modern CivModCore (1.5.0 or newer) to run.
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