I got tired of working with visual studio setup projects, but not so tired of them that i wanted to move over to Installshield Lite. In my experience, they are much easier to get a working install. I have only done enough testing on this to get it to be useful for me.
Usage: [OPTIONS] projectfile.vdproj
-b, --browse Browse for project file to open
-o, --output=VALUE Write output to file
--stdOut Write output to console
--stdIn Read input from StdIn
--xmlIn Read file in as XML
--xmlOut Write output as xml
-r, --remove=VALUE Remove file from setup project if it's SourcePath
contains this string
-q=VALUE Return the value the XPath query
--increment Increment the build version
-?, -h, --help Show help
- Update the version number of a project. And write the new version to stdOut
ProjectParser.exe -q=//ProductVersion --increment -o=c:\temp\Setup.vdproj c:\temp\Setup.vdproj - Same thing, but reading from standard input.
type c:\temp\Setup.vdproj | ProjectParser.exe --stdIn -q=//ProductVersion --increment -o=c:\temp\Setup.vdproj - Convert a vdproj to xml and then back to vdproj format.
ProjectParser.exe c:\temp\Setup.vdproj --stdOut --xmlOut | ProjectParser.exe --stdIn --xmlIn --stdOut