- Python3 - (Installed onto system)
- gcc/g++ - (Installed onto system)
- curl - (Installed onto system)
- freetype2 - (Installed onto system)
- OpenGL - (Installed onto system)
- Cmake 3.11 - (Installed onto system)
- GLAD - Built from source (see 3rdParty directory)
- GLM - Built from source (see 3rdParty directory)
- glfw - Built from source (see 3rdParty directory)
- json - Built from source (see 3rdParty directory)
- Cmake 3.11 (https://cmake.org/download/)
- GLM (https://glm.g-truc.net/0.9.9/index.html)
- json (https://github.com/nlohmann/json)
- GLAD (https://github.com/Dav1dde/glad)
- GLFW (https://github.com/glfw/glfw)
For the GLAD dependency, the Assignment_1's CMakeLists assumes that this repository is build "in source" i.e ran the following commands:
- cd 3rdPartyLibs/glad
- cmake .
- make
- Implement Composite & Observer/Subject Design Patterns with Game Objects
- Create Network Device
- Create Space API (Model - View - Projection)
- Create Scene API
- We always perform a download, whether we already have latest mlb stats or not
- Be able to parse both 'old' and 'new' mlb data (not all are formatted the same)
- Use some sort of intelligence when selecting core vs compatability profile
- Support window resizing
- Integrate UID into project
- Support a wider range of character codes (currently supports ASCII only)
- Make objects, no matter the number, fully rendered within the users screen
- Resolve any warnings
First you'll need build GLAD as pointed out in the Important Notes section. After that, assuming you have the other dependencies installed, you'll just need to run
- python3 build.py
- cd .build/Assignment_1/App
- ./myapp