Hacktoberfest 2022 Challenge: Leetcode problem solutions
This Project will have the solutions of all Leetcode Problems in any language.
This is a beginner-friendly project to help you get started with your hacktoberfest. If you don't know where to start, feel free to watch the videos linked below, and read the contribution rules. Happy hacking!!
P.S. Star ⭐ and Share this repository, if you had fun!!
- Name of the file should be the problem name on Leetcode.
- Put the solution file in the correct difficulty folder.
- Do NOT remove other content.
- Try to keep pull requests small to minimize merge conflicts
- Add the leetcode problem link in the PR.
- Comment the PR link in the issue for which the PR has been raised.
- Fork this repo (button on top)
- Clone on your local machine
git clone https://github.com/Dhroov7/Hacktoberfest-2022
- Navigate to project directory.
cd Hacktoberfest-2022
- Create a new Branch
git checkout -b my-new-branch
- Stage the changes
git add .
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m "Relevant message"
- Then push
git push origin my-new-branch
- Create a new pull request from your forked repository
An easy way to avoid conflicts is to add an 'upstream' for your git repo, as other PR's may be merged while you're working on your branch/fork.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Dhroov7/Hacktoberfest-2022
You can verify that the new remote has been added by typing
git remote -v
To pull any new changes from your parent repo simply run
git merge upstream/master
This will give you any eventual conflicts and allow you to easily solve them in your repo. It's a good idea to use it frequently in between your own commits to make sure that your repo is up to date with its parent.
For more information on syncing forks read this article from Github.