Welcome to the Abhyas! This is a brief description of what the project is about.

Abhyas is a Quiz platform developed to solve the problem of organising quizes my the faculty.Abhyas with its interactive ui makes it simpler for faculty to feed questions and much more simpler for students to attend a customizable test on the basis of questions level.It is a cross-platform application developed in dart language using Flutter framework.
Instructions on how to install and set up the project.
- Setup Flutter environment see details on how to setup flutter. https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows
- Clone the repo and install the required dependencies.
- Run the backend separately and type the command
"npm install"
"nodemon app"
Now the backend is started and project is setup. - Install the application on your device and connect the device with the same network as your server. Done setting up project.
- Abhyas takes role of a user as teacher or student while registering and allows only teachers to add or edit questions
- Abhyas provides difficulty level indicator for each question and students can take test according to difficulty level.
- Student can change the number of questions in a test.
- Storing of quiz result for future reference.