This project was the subject of a university assignement. Two different teams of students developped different approaches to the project. The 2016 team developped a demonstrator, while the 2017 team developped a integrated simulation. (This file contains the same instructions as the in the ProjetSupaero2017 folder)
This project implements optimal control for a smart teleoperation for a drone as ROS modules. It uses the Hector Quadrotor package for the simulation through Gazebo.
Theses instructions will guide you through installing IntelTeleop.
ROS Kinetic (full install) is required. See For example for Ubuntu, that would be:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
ACADO Toolkit is also required.
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ cmake git gnuplot doxygen graphviz
git clone -b stable ACADOtoolkit && cd ACADOtoolkit
git reset --hard 88c441b6bedee039ef8cb81d34fcd9377fb6d138
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
sudo make install
Le dossier ACADOtoolkit peut ensuite être supprimé.
Download the IntelTeleop project from our github where you want it to be:
git clone --recursive
Go in the 2017 project subfolder and launch the install script:
cd ProjetSupaero2017
The script will setup your catkin workspace and will move 3 configuration files to Hector Quadrotor's submodules. Another way to do this would be to reference an updated fork of Hector containing the files, but we thought it would be a little overkill for the project.
Now source your catkin workspace with the following command when in catkin_ws:
source devel/setup.bash
In a terminal, run on of the following commands to run the demo using the keyboard (default) or the joystick:
roslaunch intel_teleop_demo demo.launch
roslaunch intel_teleop_demo demo.launch joystick:=true
This will launch Gazebo. You will see the drone surrounded by a test environnement. A terminal with the control node will open from which you can control the drone using the keyboard or the joystick depending on your choice. You should see how the drone avoids the obstacles as it flies.
- Diane Bury
- Alexis Nicolin
- Bertrand Suderie
- Steve Ravalisse
- Andrea Brugnoli
- Paolo Panicucci