A port scanner that allows you to scan a wide range of ports, with different functions for different network protocols.
* Port Scanner, opensource and programmed in C++ for linux distros.
##You need to run this program with administrator permissions
sudo bash arch_start.sh
./prtker -h
sudo bash debian_start.sh
sudo ./prtker
sudo ./prtker -h
sudo pacman -Syy
sudo pacman -S python
sudo pacman -S python-pip
sudo pacman -S nc
sudo pacman -S nmap
sudo pacman -S arping
sudo pacman -S gcc
sudo pacman -S curl
sudo apt -y install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt -y install g++
sudo apt -y install netcat
sudo apt -y install nc
sudo apt -y install arping
sudo apt -y install nmap
sudo apt -y install python3
sudo apt -y install python3-pip
pip3 install scapy --break-system-packages
pip3 install colorama --break-system-packages
pip3 install asyncio --break-system-packages
pip3 install bleak --break-system-packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --break-system-packages
g++ -c main.cpp
g++ -c sockk.cpp
g++ -c bluetooth.cpp
g++ -c info.cpp
g++ main.o sockk.o bluetooth.o info.o -o prtker -lcurl
To achieve this we need to run our executable, then specify the address we want to scan, in this case will be used as an example.
To achieve this we must run the program and specify an address followed by the -sV argument that will perform a port version scan.
`./prtker -sV
To achieve this we must specify as argument ADDRESS> PARSE> PORT>
`./prtker -p 8080
It works to make an http get request to an address provided by the user, the usage is as follows:
./prtker --httpGET
This, unlike the previous one, works to make a request via the https protocol to an http server provided by the user.
./prtker --httpsGET
For those who like to obtain information about a target, it never hurts to know its MAC address. PortSeeker has a function that allows the user to use an ARP request to obtain the MAC address of a remote computer within the same network.
./prtker --arp
PortSeeker also has a function to make requests under the ICMP protocol (ping) which in certain cases can be used to discover the operating system of a target, although it is not recommended because it is not very functional.
./prtker --icmp
To obtain the operating system of a remote computer using PortSeeker is quite simple, you just have to write the following:
./prtker --osdetection
PortSeeker also has functions to scan via Bluetooth, to start this process we must enable the Bluetooth service on our device.
systemctl start bluetooth.service
service bluetooth start
./prtker --list-bluetooth
And how do we connect? It's very simple.
./prtker <FF:FF:FF:FF:FF> --bluetooth-connect
./prtker --help
./prtker -h
./prtker --version
>>> New documentation, improvements and optimization in the code
>>> New features for bluetooth
>>> New function for ICMP requests
>>> New function to obtain mac address
>>> Http and https requests are returned
>>> Now with new help menu with the "--help" option
>>> Optimized code
>>> new port version scanning function
>>> New colors on console ***
>>> New feature for quieter network scans
>>> Feature to obtain server status code
>>> Performance improvement
>>> Friendlier Banner and UI
@DigitalNinja00 @jsposu @Cr0w-ui