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Version 0.7.0

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@ndanielsen ndanielsen released this 18 May 02:29
· 444 commits to develop since this release

Deployed: Thursday, May 17, 2018
Contributors: @bbengfort, @ndanielsen, @rebeccabilbro, @lwgray, @ianozsvald, @jtpio, @bharaniabhishek123, @RaulPL, @tabishsada, @Kautumn06, @NealHumphrey


  • New Feature! Manifold visualizers implement high-dimensional visualization for non-linear structural feature analysis.
  • New Feature! There is now a model_selection module with LearningCurve and ValidationCurve visualizers.
  • New Feature! The RFECV (recursive feature elimination) visualizer with cross-validation visualizes how removing the least performing features improves the overall model.
  • New Feature! The VisualizerGrid is an implementation of the MultipleVisualizer that creates axes for each visualizer using plt.subplots, laying the visualizers out as a grid.
  • New Feature! Added yellowbrick.datasets to load example datasets.
  • New Experimental Feature! An experimental StatsModelsWrapper was added to yellowbrick.contrib.statsmodels that will allow user to use StatsModels estimators with visualizers.
  • Enhancement! ClassificationReport documentation to include more details about how to interpret each of the metrics and compare the reports against each other.
  • Enhancement! Modifies scoring mechanism for regressor visualizers to include the R2 value in the plot itself with the legend.
  • Enhancement! Updated and renamed the ThreshViz to be defined as DiscriminationThreshold, implements a few more discrimination features such as F1 score, maximizing arguments and annotations.
  • Enhancement! Update clustering visualizers and corresponding distortion_score to handle sparse matrices.
  • Added code of conduct to meet the GitHub community guidelines as part of our contributing documentation.
  • Added is_probabilistic type checker and converted the type checking tests to pytest.
  • Added a contrib module and DecisionBoundaries visualizer has been moved to it until further work is completed.
  • Numerous fixes and improvements to documentation and tests. Add academic citation example and Zenodo DOI to the Readme.

Bug Fixes

  • Adds RandomVisualizer for testing and add it to the VisualizerGrid test cases.
  • Fix / update tests in to remove hardcoded data.

Deprecation Warnings

  • ScatterPlotVisualizer is being moved to contrib in 0.8
  • DecisionBoundaryVisualizer is being moved to contrib in 0.8
  • ThreshViz is renamed to DiscriminationThreshold.

NOTE: These deprecation warnings originally mentioned deprecation in 0.7, but their life was extended by an additional version.