Team Members:
- Varsha Suresh (015245347, [email protected])
- Lasya Bheemendra Nalini (014618695, [email protected])
- Divya Mohan (015213419, [email protected])
- Jayant Prakash (015276521, [email protected])
URL for app access:
Any other instructions necessary for the TA to grade the app 1.Look for OTP to register to application
Build Instructions:
- Install Intellij IDEA
- Java version greater than 8, recommended Amazon Corretto 11.
- Node is installed (latest version)
- Npm is installed (latest version)
How to run the application: Backend:
- Unzip
- Open in IntelliJ the directory VaccinationManagementSystem to run the backend server.
- Wait for the Maven project to be installed with all its dependencies.
- Navigate to src/main/java/com/example/VaccinationManagementSystem
- Run VaccinationManagementSystemApplication class.
Frontend: run below commands to access the web application
- Cd frontend
- Run npm install
- Npm start
This runs the backend on localhost:8080 and frontend on localhost:3000. Navigate to localhost:3000 on your browser to work with the app.