Apache License 2.0
()Copyright 2010-2019 @djmondoent [email protected] Tweeterham Marketing llc
A Twitter Online and Offline Marketing analytical app for Street teams Billboards Wrapped cars event promotion (Moblie Phone, Ipad, PC)
This great Twitter app is for marketing companies, products, events and etc.
For Example: An AC Unit company logs its info into the Tweeterham app
Tweeterham creates a Twitter Ai bot that searches for a particular location tweets about air-condition units tweets like.
Example my air condition stopped working or doesn't work. This will trigger a tweet to the user asking if they are wanting help with the unit.
If so then the bot will send payment links for an appointment.After payment verification a direct message to AC tech with the address of the new customer.
Schedule times and dates. Tweeterham bot will also create marketing ads and campaigns for AC company sending campaign tweets to billboard and radio and Tv Ads News networks etc.