We occured Problems within Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Python 3.12
We recommend Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Python 3.9 - 3.11 for smooth installation
LNbits Balance Monitor (aka. Naughtify) is your assistant for managing and monitoring your LNBits wallet. It connects to your LNbits instance and provides nearly real-time updates directly through Telegram. Additionally, the bot includes a dedicated view only transaction Overwatch as well as a LiveTicker Page specifically designed for static payment links.
- 🔍 What Does This Bot Do?
- 1. Prerequisites
- 2. Installation
- 3. Setting Up Caddy Web Server
- 4. Telegram Bot Webhook Setup
- 5. Naughtify Start
- 6. Optional Extras
- 7. Appendix
- Contributing
- Acknowledgments
The bot offers:
- Provide updates of your wallet balance.
- A categorized view of recent transactions.
- Notifications about significant wallet changes.
- Direct access to LNbits, Overwatch, and a LiveTicker đź“ş Page.
- Displays your current wallet balance in sats.
- Perfect for quickly checking your available funds.
- Lists your recent wallet transactions in three categories:
- Incoming: Payments you’ve received.
- Outgoing: Payments you’ve sent.
- Pending: Transactions still being processed.
- Provides detailed information about the bot’s configuration, including:
- Update intervals for balances and transactions.
- Thresholds for notifications.
- General details about your LNbits instance.
- Displays this guide to help you use the bot effectively.
- LiveTicker Page: Shows the latest donations, total donation balance, and memos. This page is tied to a static payment code and provides a transparent overview of donation activity.
- Overwatch Dashboard: A read-only dashboard for monitoring wallet activity and status.
- LNbits Manage Dashboard: Direct access to manage wallets, transactions, and settings.
- All timestamps are in UTC for consistency.
- Adjust notification thresholds to receive only relevant updates.
- Use the LNbits interface to maximize the potential of your wallet.
- The LiveTicker Page is perfect for tracking donations in real-time and sharing a public view of donation activity.
Start Message & Payment Notification | Balance und Transaction History | Info & Help Section |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
There are a few requirements for Naughtify which are listed below. You can find help on the individual points on a separate page: prerequisites_help.md
- VPS: Virtual private server or other computer that is publicly accessible via a web domain.
- Second Web Domain or Subdomain: Required to serve the app and enable inline commands.
- LNbits Wallet: Access your LNbits API key (read-only).
- Telegram Bot: Create a Telegram bot via BotFather and obtain your bot token.
- Chat ID: Use the @userinfobot on Telegram to find your User ID = chat ID.
git clone https://github.com/DoktorShift/naughtify.git
cd naughtify
The dependencies are installed in a virtual environment so that they are isolated from the system. Even “pip” is not installed on every system from the outset, so here are a few preparations.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python3-venv
sudo apt install python3-pip
Now we set up a virtual environment, activate it and install the dependencies in it.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: You can deactivate the editing mode of the virtual environment. It remains valid for the application. To reactivate the editing mode for the virtual environment, e.g. to update a dependency, you must first select the folder to which the virtual environment applies and then activate the virtual environment.
# deactivate venv editing
# activate venv editing
cd ~/naughtify
source venv/bin/activate
Settings are applied and parameters are transferred here.
- Copy the
and open it.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DoktorShift/naughtify/refs/heads/main/example.env
mv example.env .env
sudo nano .env
- Fill in at least the first four fields of the template:
- Telegram Bot Token
- Chat ID (User ID)
- LNBIts Readonly key
- LNBits Server URL These are heavily needed
To expose the Flask app and enable inline commands, the Telegram bot must be able to reach the server. To do this, we use a subdomain, such as naughtify.yourdomain.com. Caddy then only needs to be set up as a reverse proxy on the server. Important: Make sure that you point the DNS addresses (A and AAAA, if applicable) of your subdomain/domain to the IP address of your Virtual Private Server so that the requests are forwarded to the VPS via the domain. If you do not yet have a domain, you can obtain a free subdomain from duckdns.org.
sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/gpg.key' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/debian.deb.txt' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy
-> Test the web server in your internet browser with: http://yourIPaddress. You should see a Caddy web page.
Create and open your Caddyfile
sudo nano /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
Fill the file with the following content and update yourdomain.com
in one place:
# Configuration for Naughtify
naughtify.yourdomain.com {
# Reverse proxy for webhook endpoints
reverse_proxy /webhook*
# Reverse proxy for all other routes
reverse_proxy *
# Enable GZIP compression
encode gzip
# Security headers
header {
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
X-Frame-Options "DENY"
Referrer-Policy "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
default-src 'self';
script-src 'self';
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
img-src 'self' data:;
connect-src 'self';
font-src 'self';
object-src 'none';
frame-ancestors 'none';
base-uri 'self';
form-action 'self';
Restart or reload Caddy to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl reload caddy
If you now call up the web domain in the browser, you should see a HTTP ERROR 502
error. This means that it reaches the Caddy server, but the forwarding to Naughtify fails. Which is no wonder, as Naughtify has not yet started. Later you will a white page with 🔍 LNbits Monitor is running.
If you still have a problem, the following commands may help with debugging:
sudo systemctl status caddy
sudo journalctl -u caddy -f --since "2 hour ago"
You can check whether the forwarding works, for example, with this: https://dnschecker.org/
The SSL certificate e.g. with this: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html
To enable inline commands (like /balance
, /transactions
, /info
, /help
), connect your Telegram bot to the app:
- Prepare Your Webhook URL:
Combine your domain with the/webhook
- Set the Webhook:
Replace placeholders below with your Telegram Bot Token and Webhook URL:- Using a Web Browser:
- Using cURL (Command Line):
curl "https://api.telegram.org/bot<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>"
- Using a Web Browser:
- Verify the Webhook:
Telegram should confirm:{ "ok": true, "result": true, "description": "Webhook was set" }
python naughtify.py
Note: You must be in the virtual environment to start Naughtify manually. In the naughtify
directory, use source venv/bin/activate
[2024-11-28 15:14:32,759] [INFO] 🚀 Starting LNbits Balance Monitor.
[2024-11-28 15:14:32,760] [INFO] đź”” Notification Threshold: 1 sats
[2024-11-28 15:14:32,760] [INFO] đź“Š Fetching Latest 10 Transactions for Notifications
[2024-11-28 15:14:32,760] [INFO] ⏲️ Scheduler Intervals - Balance Change Monitoring: 60 seconds, Daily Wallet Balance Notification: 60 seconds, Latest Payments Fetch: 60 seconds
[2024-11-28 15:14:32,772] [INFO] Flask server running on
* Serving Flask app 'naughtify'
* Debug mode: off
* Running on
- Create new system service:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/naughtify.service
- Fill in the file with the following information and customize
in five places:
ExecStart=/home/youruser/naughtify/venv/bin/python /home/youruser/naughtify/naughtify.py
- Activate, start and monitor:
sudo systemctl enable naughtify
sudo systemctl start naughtify
sudo systemctl status naughtify
From now on, naughtify will start automatically with every restart. 🎉
However, if you have problems, you can call up the logs with the following command:
sudo journalctl -u naughtify -f --since "2 hour ago"
Naughtify can also provide a simple public website that displays the data and transactions of a wallet. This function is called “LiveTicker”. Examples of this would be a donation page or a crowdfunding page. Anyone can view the page, send funds directly, leave a comment (if desired) and shortly afterwards see that their contribution with the comment has been received, which can be particularly necessary for crowdfunding projects and ensures absolute transparency.
To use the LiveTicker, you need another subdomain via which the website can later be accessed. At the hosting provider, the A (and AAAA) entry for e.g. “liveticker.yourdomomain.com” must point to the server on which Naughtify is installed. The .env file must then be adapted accordingly and the entry added to Caddy.
Call the .env to edit the data:
sudo nano ~/naughtify/.env
Delete the #
and adjust the following values in the “LiveTicker configuration” area:
DONATIONS_URL=YourLiveTickerPageURL <- liveticker.yourdomomain.com
LNURLP_ID=YourLNURPID <- The ID (6 letters) of the Pay Link instance
HIGHLIGHT_THRESHOLD=2100 <- set it to your favorit
INFORMATION_URL=YourInformationPageURL <- e.g. yourdomain.com
Restart the server and check journal:
sudo systemctl restart naughtify
sudo journalctl -u naughtify -f --since "2 hour ago"
Note: For more help on the LNURLP_ID, see point 3.3 of prerequisites_help.md.
Open the Caddy file:
sudo nano /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
Add the following content to the end of the file and customize yourdomain.com
in one place:
# Configuration for LiveTicker
liveticker.yourdomain.com {
# Match for the root request
@root path /
# Rewrite root request to /donations
rewrite @root /donations
# Reverse proxy for all requests
# Enable GZIP compression
encode gzip
# Set security headers
header {
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
X-Frame-Options "DENY"
Referrer-Policy "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
default-src 'self';
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://fonts.googleapis.com;
font-src 'self' https://fonts.gstatic.com;
img-src 'self' data:;
connect-src 'self';
object-src 'none';
frame-ancestors 'none';
base-uri 'self';
form-action 'self';
Reload Caddy to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl reload caddy
If you now call up your domain liveticker.yourdomain.com
, you should see your LiveTicker website. đź“ş
The structure of the Live⚡Ticker page is fixed. However, you can customize the content. The template for this is a simple html file that can be called up with the following command: nano ~/naughtify/templates/donations.html
. You can find the template here. With a little searching and comparing you will find the appropriate places where you can adjust the files from the text or the link path. Once the changes have been made, simply restart the server once sudo systemctl restart naughtify
and call up the website again.
Some comments may not be appropriate or someone may have inadvertently revealed something that they regret afterwards. There needs to be a way to clean this up. Therefore the list forbidden_words.txt
and the command /ticker_ban
was introduced. The list contains all words that you do not want to see on the screen. With the command /ticker_ban
you can add words to this list from the Telegram bot. The words are then marked with asterisks.
Overwatch is a web app dashboard to conveniently display advanced wallet information and it also has a few additional features. It was primarily developed to keep track of and control wallets that are connected to Point of Sale terminals (TPoS). The boss app you could say. Several employees have a TPoS and the boss monitors the finances with Overwatch. Overwatch is an extension for Naughtify, but it also works as a stand-alone software application.
Overwatch currently requires an account at netlify.com to deploy the web app. And an Overwatch repository (online or as a zip file) that has been customized for the LNbits server used is required.
- fork the GitHub repository and create a new branch called
. - in the files
search for the word combinationtimecatcher.lnbits.de
and replace it with the new LNbits server domain, such as lnbits.yourdomain.com. - Save the changes and make sure the branch is publicly available, or export the branch as a zip file.
- set up an account at netlify.com and when asked which project you want to deploy, import it from GitHub and link to your GitHub account, or import the prepared zip file.
- give the page a unique name. For example similar to
and check the availability. - set the "Branch to deploy" to your
branch if you have more than one. - fill the field "Build command" with
quasar build
and the field "Publish Directory" withdist/spa
. - select "Deploy overwatch0815" to deploy the page.
- after the site has been successfully deployed, go to "View site deploy".
- select "Open production deploy" to open your Overwatch site.
What you are still missing is the username and password. Since Overwatch displays the data of an LNbits wallet, you must now enter the username and password of your LNbits account here. If your LNbits account does not yet have a username and password, you can assign them under 'My Account' (icon in the top right corner) and use them to log in.
netlify.app | Overwatch Web App |
![]() |
![]() |
Optionally, you can integrate the link to Overwatch into Naughtify. To do this, you must edit the .env and then restart Naughtify once.
Open .env to edit
sudo nano ~/naughtify/.env
Search for #OVERWATCH_URL=YourOverwatchURL
. Remove #
and customize it for yourself:
Restart Server:
sudo systemctl restart naughtify
From now on, the Overwatch link should also be stored in the Naughtify Telegram bot. Since the call is now made on your smartphone with your own browser, you will probably also have to log in with your username and password.
You can find more information in the original Overwatch repository.
New version available? Here is the way to update Naughtify to the latest version.
Simple git pull
to pull latest version:
# git pull
cd ~/naughtify
git pull
Does the .env also need to be updated?
# backup .env
cd ~/naughtify
cp .env .env.bak
# edit .env
sudo nano .env
# compare with:
# https://github.com/DoktorShift/naughtify/blob/main/example.env
Have requirements changed?
# compare stock
cat requirements.txt
# with:
# https://github.com/DoktorShift/naughtify/blob/main/requirements.txt
Update requirements:
cd ~/naughtify
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, restart the server and check journal:
sudo systemctl restart naughtify
sudo journalctl -u naughtify -f --since "2 hour ago"
I welcome feedback and pull requests! Feel free to submit issues or enhance the app with new features.
Licensed under the MIT License.
This bot is a simple hack designed to keep you informed about your LNbits wallet activity. While it fulfills its purpose, a more robust solution could be built as an official LNbits extension.
If you're inspired to take this further, feel free to develop a proper LNbits extension! You can find detailed information on creating an extension here:
LNbits Extensions Wiki
Additionally, you're welcome to explore the Live-Ticker feature. Testing it while donating helps support the project's development!
A big thank you to AxelHamburch for expressing the need for this bot and inspiring its creation.
A heartfelt thank you to the entire LNbits Team for your incredible work on the outstanding LNbits project. Your contributions make solutions like this possible!