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Interactive command prompt for use within Bubble Tea applications


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Bubblecomplete is a command suggestion and autocompletion component for Bubble Tea applications.



See the example for a full working implementation.

The command structure expects the following:

command [subcommands] [flags] [positionalArguments]
  • A command can have multiple subcommands or positional arguments, and flags

    Git can have multiple sub commands such as git commit, git stash and git status

  • A command can have subcommands or positional arguments, but not both.

    i.e. the subcommand stash in git stash has more subcommands like git stash pop, git stash apply, etc. but the subcommand push in git push has positional arguments like git push origin main

  • Any command or subcommand can have flags.

    Git can have a flag such as --version or a subcommand such as git commit -m "message"

  • Any command or subcommand can have both positional arguments and flags.

    Cat expects the positional argument for the file and then flags cat file.txt -n

  • The order of positional arguments is important

    cp file.txt destination is different from cp destination file.txt


Create a slice of bubblecomplete.Command structs to represent the available commands, with bubblecomplete.PositionalArgument structs for any required arguments and bubblecomplete.Flag structs for any flags that can be passed.

var commands = []*bubblecomplete.Command{
		Command:     "cp",
		Description: "Copy files and directories",
		PositionalArguments: []*bubblecomplete.PositionalArgument{
				Name:        "file",
				Description: "File to copy",
				Type:        bubblecomplete.FileDirArgument,
				Required:    true,
				Name:        "destination",
				Description: "Destination to copy the file to",
				Type:        bubblecomplete.DirArgument,
				Required:    true,
		Flags: []*bubblecomplete.Flag{
				ShortFlag:   "-r",
				Description: "Copy directories recursively",
				Type:        bubblecomplete.BoolArgument,


Field Description Type
Command The command name string
Description A description of the command string
Subcommands A slice of bubblecomplete.Command structs representing subcommands []*bubblecomplete.Command
PositionalArguments A slice of bubblecomplete.PositionalArgument structs representing required arguments []*bubblecomplete.PositionalArgument
Flags A slice of bubblecomplete.Flag structs representing flags []*bubblecomplete.Flag

Positional Arguments

Field Description Type
Name The argument name string
Description A description of the argument string
Type The type of the argument bubblecomplete.argumentType
Required Whether the argument is required bool


Field Description Type
ShortFlag The short flag identifier i.e. -v string
LongFlag The long flag identifier i.e. --verbose string
Description A description of the flag string
Type The type of argument the flag expects bubblecomplete.argumentType
Persistent A persistent flag is available to all subcommands of the command bool

Argument Types

Type Description
StringArgument A string argument that can be set to any value
IntArgument An integer argument that can be set to any integer value
FloatArgument A float argument that can be set to any float value
BoolArgument A boolean argument that can be set to true or false (or left empty for true)
FileArgument A file argument that can be set to a valid file path
DirArgument A directory argument that can be set to a valid directory path
FileDirArgument A file or directory argument that can be set to a valid file or directory path

Create a bubblecomplete.Model struct with the commands and set any options you want to set, and assign it to your bubbletea program model.

type model struct {
	bubblecomplete bubblecomplete.Model

func createModel() tea.Model {
	bc := bubblecomplete.New(commands, 100)
  bc.HistoryLimit = 50

  m := model{
    bubblecomplete: ac,

	return m

func (m model) View() string {
  return m.bubblecomplete.View()


Option Description Default
Autotrim Trim extra whitespace from the ends of the input true
CompletionsAbove Show the completion list above the input instead of below false
CompletionsOffset The left margin offset of the completion list 0
CompletionsPosition The position of the completion list relative to the input PositionBelow
CompletionRows The number of rows to show in the completion list before scrolling 5
HistoryFilePath The path to a .json file to store the command history for persistance between sessions -
HistoryLimit The maximum number of history entries to store and save 100
IndentCompletions Indent the completion list to match the current input length true
InvalidCommandStyle Lipgloss style for invalid user input (white/black)
ShowBorderScroll Show different border colors around the completion list to indicate scrolling true
ShowScrollbar Show a horizontal scrollbar to indicate scrolling false
ValidCommandStyle Lipgloss style for valid user input (green)


  • Autocomplete for filepaths
    • Underlined white if part of a valid path
    • Green if full valid path
    • Red if invalid path
  • Option to have flags disable other flags if they're mutually exclusive
  • Improved documentation comments for public functions and structs
  • Wider range of tests for more critical functions, for improved maintainability
  • Option to not show the descriptions of the commands, flags etc
  • More exposed color options for the completion list, scrolling etc



Bubblecomplete (and Bubble Tea applications in general) work best with a terminal that supports 24-bit color. If you're using a terminal that doesn't support 24-bit color, you may see some odd colors. If you're using a terminal that supports 24-bit color, ensure that it's enabled in your terminal emulator, tmux config (if you're using tmux) etc and that your $TERM environment variable is set to a value that supports 24-bit color (such as xterm-256color) and your $COLORTERM environment variable is set to truecolor.


Interactive command prompt for use within Bubble Tea applications





