Example application of a WPF HMI connected to an Arduino Uno R3.
Installing the following libraries using the Arduino IDE:
- ModbusSerial
Manually install the following libraries into your ~/Documents/Arduino/Libraries
min pulse width = 544
max pulse width = 2400
maximum PWM frequency = 500hz
servo min = min pulse width - (min pulse width * 4)
=> -1632 //not sure why the arduino servo library is calculating this as negative
servo max = max pulse width - (max pulse width * 4)
=> -7200
servo angle ∈ [0 deg, 180 deg]
eg: 90 deg
servo min < pulse width < servo max
clock cycles per microsecond = 16 * 10^6 / 1 * 10^6
=> 16
//on time
on pulse width = (servo max - servo min) / (180 - 0) * servo angle + servo min
=> -4416
on pulse width = on pulse width - 2
=> -4418
on frequency = clock cycles per microsecond * on pulse width / 8
=> -8836
on time = abs(1 / on frequency) //I used abs because the negative period didn't make sense to me
=> 113.17338 * 10^-6
AtMega328P baudrate: