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v3.3.0 (June 26, 2020)

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@DrTimothyAldenDavis DrTimothyAldenDavis released this 26 Jun 18:53
· 3302 commits to stable since this release

Version 3.3.0, June 26, 2020

* GrB_wait( ): with no input arguments, has been deprecated.  It will
    be removed in V4.0.
* GrB_error ( ) with no input parameters is deprecated.
* added complex types: GxB_FC32 and GxB_FC64, many unary operators,
    binary operators, monoids, and semirings
* added GrB_*_apply_BinaryOp1st and 2nd: also GxB version with GxB_Scalar
* added bitwise operators: and their monoids and semirings
* added predefined GrB* monoids and semirings: from the v1.3 spec.
* MATLAB interface: added complex matrices and operators, bitwise
    operators; improved performance
* changed typecasting rules: for casting floating point types to integers
* added GrB_*_wait: wait for specific object to complete
* added GrB_*_resize: same as prior GxB_*_resize functions
* added GrB_kronecker: same as prior GxB_kron
* added version methods: GrB_getVersion, GRB_VERSION, GRB_SUBVERSION
* added GrB_*_removeElement
* (18) bug fix: fixed typecasting in GB_dense_subassign_23, generic case
* (17) bug fix: non-polymorphic GrB_eWiseAdd and eWiseMult functions
    were misnamed.
* DRAFT interfaces: A few functions have been added to use CUDA and the
    Intel MKL library.  These are visible in GraphBLAS.h but are
    undocumented; do *not* use them yet.  They will likely change without
    warning, and without change the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS version number.

Future version: v4.0.0 may incorporate the following changes. This list is tentative since v2.0 of the C API is still under development:

* GrB_wait(), with no inputs: will be removed
* GrB_wait(&object): polymorphic function will be added
* GrB_*_nvals: will no longer guarantee completion; use GrB_wait(&object)
    or non-polymorphic GrB_*_wait (&object) instead
* GrB_error: will have two inputs: a string (char **) and an object
* V4.0.0 will otherwise be identical to V3.3.0.