This provides terminal emulation to communicate with Centurion Computers.
It is broadly compatiable with the ADDS Regent 25 terminal.
On Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian:
sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip
On WSL2/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip
On Powershell/CMD:
- Download and install Python from
During Python install, check "Add Python to PATH" - Download and install Git from
During Git install, make sure an option for using Git from the command line is selected
On Linux/Ubuntu/Raspbian/WSL:
git clone
cd CenturionTerm
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
On Powershell/CMD:
git clone
cd CenturionTerm
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install windows-curses
Configuration is either avaliable in a configuration ini file or on the command line.
The command line overrides the configuration file.
The configuration file 'CenturionTerm.ini' is used by default.
CenturionTerm - A warriors terminal emulator
positional arguments:
url connect using URL (
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG ini config file
--no-config disable config file
General settings:
--normal-case-upper, --no-normal-case-upper
normal case is upper, shift for lower
--echo, --no-echo local echo / half-duplex
--keyboard-lock-compatability, --no-keyboard-lock-compatability
keyboard lock ADDS Consul 580 Compatability
--auto-scroll, --no-auto-scroll
auto scroll
Serial settings:
--port [PORT] serial device
--baud [BAUD] set baud rate
--bits [BITS] set number of data bits (5 6 7 8)
--parity {N,E,O,S,M} set parity, one of {N E O S M}
--stopbits [STOPBITS]
set number of stop bits (1 2)
--rtscts-flowcontrol, --no-rtscts-flowcontrol
RTS/CTS flow control
--xonxoff-flowcontrol, --no-xonxoff-flowcontrol
software flow control
--initial-rts, --no-initial-rts
set initial RTS line state
--initial-dtr, --no-initial-dtr
set initial DTR line state
--exclusive, --no-exclusive
locking for native ports
- Terminal Home KeyBackspace
- Terminal Backspace KeyDelete
- Terminal Del KeyArrow Keys
- Terminal Arrow KeysF10
- Quits Emulator
If using Putty, be sure it is sending "putty" as the terminal type string or use export TERM=putty
before running. The default for putty is "xterm" and it is not correct for all the keys.
To connect to a RAW TCP socket use:
python socket://HOST:PORT