The Dragoon website includes background information, access to the tutor system and a tutorial to get you started using Dragoon.
Documentation and design documents are available.
This section contains instructions for setting up a Dragoon server after you have cloned the repo.
Create the database using the script create-database.sql
. First enter mysql as root:
$ mysql -u root -p
When prompted, enter the root password you created for mysql, not the root password for your machine. Then create your new database and run the script. Two scripts are available in the same folder. You can use the following commands:
mysql> create database <your database name>;
mysql> use <your database name>;
mysql> source create-database.sql;
mysql> source create-schema-database.sql;
In the project root directory, create a file db_user_passsword
containing three lines containing the username, password, and
database name.
On Windows, you'll need to install WAMP, XAMPP or another AMP kit first. You will also need to install cygwin or git for windows and then use the provided git shell for the next step.
In the root directory, enter make install
to install the Javascript
Windows doesn't come with make, but if you google "make for windows" you can download it from gnu. After installing, either add make's path to your PATH variable or give the full path in the command line. For best results, run within the powershell provided by GitHub for Windows.
This section describes how to set up Dragoon to run off the local server on OS X 10.8 (mountain lion).
sudo apachectl start
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/
sudo ln -s <*path to Dragoon*>/www/ ./laits
# try http://localhost/laits/ in your web browser
sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf || uncomment php line
sudo apachectl restart
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > <*path to Dragoon*>/www/php-test.php
# try http://localhost/laits/php-test.php on Browser
# PHP looks for the MySQL sock in the wrong place.
# Make a link so that PHP will find the sock file:
sudo mkdir /var/mysql
sudo ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock
More information on starting php and Apache on OS X.
In order to give the apache server permisions to access the folder containing the dragoon librarys you must change the folder to a sharded folder and allow access to directory from the apache config
To change the folder to a sharded folder, simply right click (or control click) select get info, and then check the box that says "Shared folder"
Go into the config file
sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Find the default directory settings and change them so they look like the following
<Directory />
Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
Order allow, deny
Allow from all
Afterwards reset the server
sudo apachectl restart
More information about testing and installation of testing can be found in the Readme in test folder