Scripts and pages for Dragoon Forums
The current plan is for index.php and config.php to be the .gitignore'd files in the repot.
You will need to copy example-index.php and example-config.php to index.php and config.php respectively, then edit them appropriately for your specific forum. This includes telling your index.php to import a new index page (see next section).
- Create a new directory <forum_name> on the server inside /home/laits
- Clone this repository inside <forum_name> directory.
- Switch to install branch
git checkout install
- Create a symlink <forum_name> in the /home/laits/public_html directory to point to the newly created forum.
- Create a MYSQL database. Usually with same name as <forum_name>
- In your browswer, Navigate to <forum_name> /install
- Click on Install Tab
- Enter the database details as follows:
- Type: MYSQL
- Host:
- Database Name: <database_name>
- Username: root
- Fill out the Administrator details.
- Use default Email settings and other settings.
- Once the Forum is sucessfully created and config.php is generated, Checkout the Master branch of the dragoon_forum
git checkout master
- Create a template file or copy from existing one <forum_template>.html inside <forum_name> /styles/prosilver/template/dragoon-forums/ directory
- In the parent folder. Create a copy of sample-index.php and rename it to index.php
- Edit index.php to point to correct template file <forum_template>.html
- You can now navigate to <forum_name> to use the forum.
##Index Page (or: How do I customize the home page for a specific class?) Each forum should have its own custom index page. The index will be created by index.php importing an html file from the styles/prosilver/template/dragoon-forums/. Each forum will have its own html file, and all of them will be stored in that aforementioned directory. forum_sample.html is intended to be both an example and also the html for the public forum (aka the sample class).