Releases: DrozmotiX/ioBroker.discovergy
Releases · DrozmotiX/ioBroker.discovergy
Release v0.5.13
Release v0.5.12
- (DutchmanNL) Ignore meters not providing any data (like removed devices) #215
Release v0.5.11
Release v0.5.8
Release v0.5.7
Change why of password encryption, you my need to re-enter your credentials !
Bugfix : State "system.this.discovergy.0.alive" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions
### 0.5.2 Code improvements
- (Dutchman) Optimize and simplify code
- (Dutchman) Set calculation factors in attribute definition
- (Dutchman) Send information about missing state attribute definitions to sentry
### 0.5.0 Adapter code rebuild
- (Dutchman) code cleanup
- (Dutchman) update attr library
- (Dutchman) make state names configurable
- (Dutchman) Fix "-" values for power delivery
- (Dutchman) Implemented adjustable intervall
- (Dutchman) Rebuild complete logic of data pulling
- (Dutchman) Ensure propper reset to 0 of power values
- (Dutchman) make state attributes configurable in library
- (Dutchman) ensure split values for consumption and delivery
- (Dutchman) Rewrite adapter to class and support JS-Controller 2.0 with compact mode
- (Dutchman) For new Devices : Write error for unknwon states but create device with basic information
- (Dutchman) Variable JSON-Array scan for attributes, if Discovergy adds new devices they will be visible immidiatly
### 0.4.0 Stable Release
- Improved logging
- small code fixes
- updated dependecys
- release for stable repository
- Stop adapter when username/password is empty and write error message
- Fixed incorrectly created states, time-stamps are also correctly shown now
- Seperate supported object definitions from hard code main.js to configuration file "/lib/supported_objects.js"
0.3.0 Official Beta ready for field testing
First stable release of ioBroker Discovergy which enables you to read all your dat from the API of discovergy.
Features :
- Pull information of multiple meters and write states
- Different intervalls for "current" power consumption/delivery adjustable in adapter settings
- Encrypted storage of usersname/password
- Stop adapter when credentials are empty and return error message
- All states available from demo.discovergy are implemented, unknown states will create error in log please submit data if this happens !